给排水管道沟槽基坑开挖宽度根据管道直径及埋深确定,一般宽深比较小,基坑呈狭长型。现行的行标及地标在坑底抗隆起稳定性计算时,未考虑基坑宽度对圆弧滑动面的影响,计算结果较为保守,经济性较差。以《基坑工程技术标准》(DT/T J05-61—2018)为基础,推导了狭长形沟槽基坑考虑基坑宽度的坑底抗隆起稳定性计算公式,并分析了基坑宽度对坑底抗隆起稳定性安全系数的影响规律,以期为该类工程的设计工作提供参考。
The excavation width of the groove foundation pit of water supply and drainage pipelines is determined on the diameter and depth of the pipeline.The width-depth ratio is usually small,and the foundation pit is long and narrow.The influence of foundation pit width on the circular sliding surface has not been considered in the current industry and local regulations during the calculation of anti-upheaval stability of pit bottom.The calculation result is conservative and the economy is poor.Based on Technical Code for Foundation Pit Engineering(DT/T J05-61-2018),the calculation formula of pit bottom anti-upheaval stability of long-narrow groove foundation pit by considering the width of foundation pit is derived.And the influence law of the pit width on the safety factor of pit bottom anti-upheaval stability in order to provide a reference for the design of the similar projects.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
spatial effect
long-narrow groove foundation pit
pit bottom anti-upheaval stability