

Characteristic Analysis of Traction Winch Composed of Multi-Piece Friction Wheels
摘要 针对深海减张力储缆绞车系统的牵引绞车收放缆时存在摩擦轮与铠装缆之间滑动位移大及张力分布过度集中于第一个轮槽的问题,提出基于多片组合式摩擦轮结构的牵引绞车。通过最大扭矩限制和多片式摩擦轮转动补偿铠装缆收缩位移原理,能有效地减少铠装缆与轮槽间的相对滑动位移,延长铠装缆和摩擦轮的寿命。通过分析现有牵引绞车和文章提出的多片组合式摩擦轮牵引绞车在工作过程中铠装缆的拉伸形变变化量及分布规律,证明了新模型的有效性,为提高铠装缆的寿命探索了一种可行的方式,也为减张力储缆绞车提升为升沉补偿绞车提供了一定的理论支撑。 Aiming at the problems of large sliding displacement between friction wheels and umbilical,and excessive concentration of tension distribution in the first groove of the traction winch of deep-sea tension-reducing cable storage winch system,a traction winch model composed of multi-piece friction wheels is proposed.By means of maximum torque limitation and displacement compensation from the rotation of multi-piece friction wheels to the shrink of umbilical,the relative sliding displacement between umbilical and grooves can be effectively reduced,and the service life of umbilical and friction wheels can be extended.By analyzing the variation and distribution of the tension deformation of the existing traction winches and the proposed traction winch composed of multi-piece structure friction wheel,effectiveness of the new model is proved.This innovation not only explores a feasible way to improve the service life of umbilical,but also provides a certain theoretical support for turning the tension-reducing cable storage winch into a heave compensation winch.
作者 庄广胶 夏㛃 葛彤 ZHUANG Guangjiao;XIA Jie;GE Tong(State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineerin,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China;Collaboration Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期149-153,共5页 Ship Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0300700)。
关键词 多片组合式 摩擦轮 牵引绞车 铠装缆 multi-piece combined type friction wheel traction winch umbilical
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