
黄土高原苹果园间作油菜对土壤水分与苹果品质的影响 被引量:7

Effects of intercropping rape on soil moisture and quality of apple fruit in an apple orchard in the Loess Plateau
摘要 【目的】间作生草是黄土高原苹果优势产区有机肥替代化肥模式之一。由于黄土高原地区年际干旱少雨且降水在季节上分配不均,可能产生果园生草与果树争水的问题。因此,本研究采用不同耗水模式的油菜品种探究其对土壤水分及苹果品质的影响。【方法】试验于2018和2019年在陕西省延安市安塞区南沟流域进行。设置4个生草处理,分别为甘蓝型油菜陕油2013、春性白菜型油菜浩油21、强冬性白菜型油菜延油2号和传统清耕制度(CK)。田间定位监测土壤水分,测定油菜生长指标及果树的果实品质。比较分析不同油菜类型的生长状况、果园土壤含水量、土壤水分相对差异、苹果新梢生长状况、果实品质等。【结果】在两年试验期内,间作不同油菜各项生长指标具有显著性差异。单位面积生物量表现为甘蓝型油菜>强冬性白菜型油菜>春性白菜型油菜。在土壤水分方面,4个处理土壤含水量变化趋势基本一致,0—20 cm土层水分含量随时间变化最大。其中,甘蓝型油菜、春性白菜型油菜和强冬性白菜型油菜处理行间0—20 cm土层两年平均土壤含水量分别较CK降低了19.2%、3.3%和8.5%,20—100 cm土层两年平均土壤含水量分别较CK提升−4.9%、12.1%和6.4%。20—100 cm土层的平均土壤水分变异系数表现为甘蓝型油菜处理最大,春性白菜型油菜处理最小。间作油菜提升了苹果品质,以间作春性白菜型油菜的效果最显著,其可溶性固形物、可溶性糖和VC含量较清耕对照显著增加了1.00个百分点、1.57个百分点和47.58%,间作其他两个油菜品种与清耕相比只有VC含量显著升高。【结论】与清耕相比,苹果树行间间作春性白菜型油菜、强冬性白菜型油菜和甘蓝型油菜均有效提升了20—100 cm土层土壤含水量,降低了苹果树休眠期土壤储水量损失,进而显著促进了果树的生长发育,提升了果实品质。其中,苹果树行间间作春性白菜型油菜效果最佳,是黄土高原旱作苹果园较为适宜的间作模式。 【Objectives】Planting grass in an orchard is one of the models of partially replacing chemical fertilizers with an organic fertilizer in apple production areas.Due to low and uneven inter-season variation in precipitation in the Loess Plateau,planting grass may increase water uptake and deteriorate soil water storage.Therefore,we tested rapes with different water consumption patterns capable of serving as orchard grass.【Methods】The experiment was conducted in 2018 and 2019 in Yan’an City,Shaanxi Province.Three intercropped rape varieties;namely,napus rape Shaanyou 2013(A-G),spring cabbage type rape Haoyou 21(A-H),strong winter cabbage type rape Yanyou 2(A-Y),and clean soil surface control(CK),were used as treatments.Soil moisture,rape growth index and apple fruit quality were measured.【Results】The growth index of rape was(P<0.05)different among different rape types in two years.The leaf and branch biomass per area were as follows:cabbage type rape(A-G)>strong winter cabbage type rape(A-Y)>spring cabbage type rape(A-H).The soil moisture variation within the apple-growing period was similar in the four treatments,and the most significant variation was observed in the 0-20 cm soil layer.Compared with CK,the soil water content of A-G,A-H,and A-Y in 0-20 cm soil layer decreased by 19.2%,3.3%,and 8.5%,respectively.In the 20-100 cm soil layer,the soil moisture content increased by-4.9%,12.1%,and 6.4%.The coefficient of variation of average soil water content in the 20-100 cm soil layer was higher in A-G and smaller in A-H.The three intercropping treatments improved the fruit taste.However,the most significant effect was observed in A-H,where the contents of soluble solids,soluble sugar and VC in the apple of intercropping spring rape was higher than other treatments,improving by 1 and 1.57 percent point,and 47.58%.【Conclusions】Intercropping of cabbage type rape,strong winter cabbage type rape,and spring cabbage type rape are all efficient in increasing soil water storage in 20-100 cm soil depth,thereby decreasing the consumption of soil water during apple dormancy.Consequently,the treatments stimulate the growth and development of apple trees and improve the fruit quality.Spring cabbage type rape performed better than the other two types,and thus,it is recommended for intercropping with dry apple orchards on the Loess Plateau.
作者 杨建利 贾如浩 王春丽 张智 王小军 王周礼 赵西宁 冯浩 YANG Jian-li;JIA Ru-hao;WANG Chun-li;ZHANG Zhi;WANG Xiao-jun;WANG Zhou-li;ZHAO Xi-ning;FENG Hao(Hybrid Rape Research Center of Shaanxi Province,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China;Shandong Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy,Jinan,Shandong 250000,China;College of Natural Resources and Environment,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China;Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China)
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期1397-1406,共10页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 陕西省重点研发计划项目(2020ZDLNY07-04) 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0501703) 陕西省农业领域一般项目(2018NY-025)。
关键词 旱作苹果园 间作油菜 土壤水分 苹果品质 dryland apple orchard intercropping rape soil moisture apple fruit quality
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