

On the Writing of Subcultural Community in The Buddha of Suburbia
摘要 亚文化鲜明的颠覆思想和抵抗风格扰动了沉闷的英国社会,深刻揭示了20世纪70年代英国社会面临的严重问题。同时,亚文化作为一个群体,以流行音乐共同体为英国处理社会问题提供了集体性的解决方案。本文借助伯明翰学派的亚文化理论,分析了《郊区佛陀》中的亚文化共同体书写。流行音乐多变的形式和风格还原了英国社会本身具有的多元与开放;流行音乐共同体建构的中介空间超越种族与阶级,深入批判了固有的二元对立和本质主义等思想,为解决英国种族与阶级问题、实现社会大共同体的可持续发展提供了新思路。 The paper,based on the subculture theory of the Birmingham School,analyzes the subcultural community in The Buddha of Suburbia.The salient subversive ideas and resistance style of subcultures disturb the stagnant British society in the 1970 s,and expose severe crises of the day.On the other hand,the subculture as a community itself provides a collective solution for tackling the social problems through the community of pop music in the fiction.Forms and styles of pop music that emerge endlessly remind the society of its authentic traits:multiplicity and openness;meanwhile,the community of pop music creates an in-between space which crosses the borderline among races and classes.It criticizes the long-existing thoughts of binary opposition and essentialism,and provides new ideas about solving the racial and social problems and the sustainability of the British community.
作者 周驰鹏 ZHOU Chipeng
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2021年第4期30-43,157,共15页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“英国文学的命运共同体表征与审美研究”(19ZDA293) 上海外国语大学导师学术引领计划“当代英国移民小说困境主题表征与审美接受研究”项目资助。
关键词 《郊区佛陀》 哈尼夫·库雷西 亚文化 共同体 The Buddha of Suburbia Hanif Kureishi subculture community
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