The mainstream view of state and identity consciousness in Chinese ideological tradition roughly includes three levels:cultural China,flourishing China and dynasty China.The monarch,as the supreme representative of the national community,will tend to express these three senses views of"China"and identity consciousness at the same time under the influence of the legalization mechanism,especially when they are more confident,or have lofty political ambitions and sense of historical mission.Their expression and identity of this"view of state",especially view on the big"China"beyond dynasty countries,has played an important role in inheritance and strengthening the spatial memory and cultural memory of the national community which"China"as the core,and enhancing the spiritual shaping power in the construction of the state.However,under the basic political structure of the"Home World"politics in traditional countries,especially in the case of certain incentives,pressures and crises,the monarch as a separate interest subject will also have the problem of"identity loss"which causing him to ignore the existence of"China"and even the dynasty state,and seek the privatization of power and the privatization of the state.All this shows that the traditional society has not matured enough in terms of view of state and identity consciousness,as well as the construction of the state or the publicity of state.
Academic Monthly
view of state
monarch's national identity
construction of the state