
海洋空间规划的理论与实践刍议 被引量:1

Marine Spatial Planning:From Theory to Reality
摘要 海洋空间规划是一种综合性海洋管理措施,具有生态系统方法、综合性、未来导向性、适宜性等特征。这些特征既是海洋空间规划与其它传统海洋管理措施的区别所在,也是海洋空间规划从理论走向现实的指引。2019年,我国国土空间规划体系改革开启了新一轮海洋空间规划方式与内容的探索。从目前的规划编制方法和理念来看,生态系统方法和综合性特征已经得到了较好的体现,但适宜性特征和未来导向性特征方面仍有待加强。 Marine spatial planning(MSP)is a comprehensive approach for marine management.Characteristics of marine spatial planning include ecosystem approach,integrated,future-oriented and adaptive.These characteristics not only distinguish MSP from other marine management approaches but also help to turn MSP theory into reality.China has sped up efforts to establish the national territory spatial planning(NTSP)system since 2019.As a crucial part of the NTSP,MSP process has been triggered.According to the methods and ideas used in the establishment of MSP in China,ecosystem approach and integrated measures have been fully applied,while future-oriented and adaptive features are not obvious so far.
作者 郭雨晨 孙华烨 GUO Yuchen;SUN Huaye
出处 《中华海洋法学评论》 2021年第2期27-55,共29页 China Oceans Law Review
基金 广东省促进经济高质量发展专项(海洋经济发展)海洋六大产业专项资金项目“新时代国土空间规划背景下广东省市级国土空间规划方法与应用研究”(粤自然资合〔2020〕068号)阶段性成果。
关键词 海洋空间规划 国土空间规划 生态系统方法 Marine spatial planning National territory spatial planning Ecosystem approach
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