
侵华日军第100部队机构设置及规模探析 被引量:1

An Analysis of the Organizational Setup and Scale of the 100th Unit of the Japanese Invaders in China
摘要 侵华日军第100部队是日本在中国东北建立的一支秘密细菌部队,从事残酷的人体实验。作为日本关东军司令部的直属部队,第100部队对外听命于关东军兽医部,其内部分为司令部、总务部、第一部、第二部、第三部、第四部、教育部。第100部队的分支机构关系密切,在执行本部分配的任务时互相配合,共同听命于100部队部队长,形成了一个以位于长春的第100部队本部为中心、分支遍布于东北地区的细菌战网络。第100部队的人员规模处于动态的变化之中,从最初的几名成员增加到近千人。第100部队用于细菌武器研发的经费远远超过用于军马防疫的经费,是一个细菌武器生产和研发基地。 The 100th Unit of the Japanese Invaders to China is a secret bacterial unit established by Japan in Northeast China,which is engaged in cruel human experiments.As a direct unit of the Japanese Kwantung Army Headquarters,the 100th unit is under the orders of the Kwantung Army’s Veterinary Department,and its internal division is divided into the headquarters,the general affairs department,the first department,the second department,the third department,the fourth department,and the education department.The branches of the 100th unit are closely related and cooperate with each other in carrying out the tasks assigned by the headquarters,and jointly take orders from the commanders of the 100th unit,forming a bacterial warfare network centered on the headquarters of the 100th unit in Changchun and branches all over Northeast China.The personnel size of the 100th unit is undergoing dynamic changes,increasing from the initial few members to nearly a thousand.The funding for the research and development of bacterial weapons by Unit 100 far exceeds that for military horse epidemic prevention.It can be seen that Unit 100 is not really anti-epidemic for military horses,but a bacterial weapon production and research and development base.
作者 秦世强 QIN Shi-qiang(College of the Humanities,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)
机构地区 吉林大学文学院
出处 《长春师范大学学报》 2021年第9期74-79,共6页 Journal of Changchun Normal University
关键词 侵华日军第100部队 细菌战 关东军军马防疫厂 若松有次郎 the 100th unit of the Japanese invasion of China germ warfare Kwantung Army’s military horse epidemic prevention plant Wakamatsu Yujiro
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