
论古乐府的经典化过程 被引量:2

The Process of Canonization of the Ancient Yuefu Poem
摘要 隋前乐府习称古乐府,隋唐以来古乐府地位日高,甚至成为与《诗经》相提并论的经典。从经学化、学理化、高格化、楷式化四个方面可以清晰揭示古乐府的经典化过程:隋代王通《续诗》开启了古乐府经学化历程;唐代李白古乐府学从学理化、经学化、楷式化三个方面推进了古乐府经典化;宋代郭茂倩《乐府诗集》和郑樵《通志二十略·乐略》使古乐府经典地位获得了学理支撑;元代左克明《古乐府》为文人创作古乐府提供了简明读本,对古乐府的楷式化有所助益,杨维桢大量拟作古乐府彰显了古乐府的楷式地位;明代复古思潮兴盛,对古乐府经学化、学理化、高格化、楷式化四个方面均有推进,在揭示古乐府艺术成就、推尊古乐府体式方面均达到顶峰;清代朱嘉征《乐府广序》将古乐府经学化推向极致,朱乾《乐府正义》在义理阐发的同时兼顾史实考证,对朱嘉征的极端经学化又有所纠正。 In the history of the study of Yuefu, Yuefu before the Sui Dynasty was called the ancient Yuefu. From the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the value of the ancient Yuefu was continuously promoted and even became a classic comparable to the Book of Songs. The process of its canonization is quite noteworthy. In this process, although the connotation of ancient Yuefu endowed by different generations of poets and scholars is different, it can still be sum m arized from four aspects, i. e., the study of Confucian classics, the study of academic theory, the study of artistic value and the study of regular style. The study of Confucian classics refers to the exploration of the political and religious values of ancient Yuefu and the interpretation of Confucian classics, the study of academic theory means to explore the knowledge of ancient Yuefu and to study it academically, the study of artistic value means to reveal the artistic value of ancient Yuefu and to comment on its artistic achievements, the study of regular style refers to the ancient Yuefu as a model for the creation of other poetries. The study of Confucian classics promoted the ideological value of ancient Yuefu, the study of academic theory enriched the knowledge of ancient Yuefu, the study of artistic value revealed the artistic value of ancient Yuefu and the study of regular styles promoted the poetic style of ancient Yuefu.These four aspects are embodied in the works of collation, creation, comment and explanation of the title of ancient Yuefu from the Sui, Tang to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Through these works, we can clearly reveal the canonization process of ancient Yuefu from these four aspects: In the Sui Dynasty,Wang Tong’s Continuation of the Book of Songs followed the Book of Songs with the ancient Yuefu, and incorporated the ancient Yuefu into the expounding system of classics, thus opening up the course of the study of Confucian classics of the ancient Yuefu. In the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai’s study of ancient Yuefu was a combination of academic research, interpretation of Confucian classics and simulated creation,which promoted the canonization of ancient Yuefu from three aspects: the study of academic theory, the study of Confucian classics and regular style. In the Song Dynasty, Guo Maoqian’s Collection of Yuefu Poems delineated a clear boundary for the ancient Yuefu. He interpreted the ancient Yuefu by citing classics, first listed ancient lyrics and then collected simulated poetries. His tracing of the origin of the ancient Yuefu and textual researches on relevant knowledge were widely recognized by later generations. Zheng Qiao’s 20 Category of Tong Zhi: Rites and Music with the pragmatism academic vision, the sensible research method, from the academic theory explained the rationality of the yuefu succeeded the Book of Songs and classified yuefu poems according to the classification method of the Book of Songs, thus completing the process of the study of Confucian classics of ancient yuefu initiated by Wang Tong. These two books enabled the classical status of the ancient Yuefu to obtain the support of academic theory. In the Yuan Dynasty, Zuo Keming’s Ancient Yuefu provided a concise text for the literati to create the ancient Yuefu, which was helpful for the study of the regular style of the ancient Yuefu. Yang Weizhen wrote a large number of ancient Yuefu, which clearly demonstrated the position of the regular style of the ancient Yuefu. In the Ming Dynasty, the trend of retorting ancient ways was flourishing, which promoted the study of Confucian classics, the study of academic theory, the study of artistic value and regular style of ancient Yuefu, and it reached the peak in revealing the ancient Yuefu artistic achievements and promoting the ancient Yuefu style. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhu Jiazheng’s Yuefu Guangxu pushed the study of Confucian classics of ancient Yuefu to an extreme, and Zhu Qian’s Yuefu Zhengyi corrected Zhu Jiazheng’s extreme study of Confucian classics by elucidating the theory and taking into account the historical textual research.
作者 郭丽 Guo Li(Department of Literature,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100089,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期199-212,共14页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社科基金规划一般项目(19YJA751013) 北京市社科基金一般项目(18WXB005)。
关键词 古乐府 经典化 王通 李白 郭茂倩 郑樵 杨维桢 朱嘉征 ancient Yuefu poem canonization Wang Tong Li Bai Guo Maoqian Zheng Qiao Yang Weizhen Zhu Jiazheng
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