旨在明确不同剂量杀虫剂对甘蓝主要害虫小菜蛾的防治效果,从而选择最佳使用剂量。2019年在山东省莒南县以25 g/L多杀霉素悬浮剂和1%甲氨基阿维菌素微乳剂为试材,采用田间试验的方法测得防效数据。结果表明:25 g/L多杀霉素悬浮剂有效成分18.75~25 g/hm^(2)、1%甲氨基阿维菌素微乳剂有效成分1.5~2.25 g/hm^(2),能够有效防治甘蓝小菜蛾,药后3天防效分别为87.74%、91.86%、76.87%、83.46%,药后7天防效分别为90.68%、95.40%、85.79%、90.58%。其中供试药剂二高剂量均显著高于低剂量。药后7天,25 g/L多杀霉素悬浮剂25 g/hm^(2)防效最高,达95.40%,多杀霉素防效略高于甲氨基阿维菌素。供试药剂可作为防治甘蓝小菜蛾的安全高效理想药剂,药后7天防效均达85%以上,建议二者交替使用防止产生抗药性。
The aim of the study is to identify the control efficacies of different dosages of pesticides on diamondback moth(Plutella xylostella)in cabbage and to select the optimum dosage.A field trial was conducted with 25 g/L spinosad suspension and 1%emamectin benzoate microemulsion in Junan County,Shandong Province in 2019.The results showed that the Plutella xylostella was controlled effectively by 25 g/L spinosad suspension with 18.75-25 g/hm^(2)and 1%emamectin benzoate microemulsion with 1.5-2.25 g/hm^(2).The control efficacy was 87.74%,91.86%,76.87%and 83.46%respectively after three days of application and was 90.68%,95.40%,85.79%and 90.58%respectively after seven days of application.For 1%emamectin benzoate microemulsion,the control efficacy of higher dosage was better than that of lower dosage.25 g/L spinosad suspension with 25 g/hm^(2)had the best control efficacy,which could be up to 95.40%after seven days of application.The control efficacy of 25 g/L spinosad suspension was slightly better than that of 1%emamectin benzoate microemulsion after seven days of application.In conclusion,the two pesticides can be used as safe,effective and ideal pesticides,and their control efficacies were both above 85%.It is suggested that the two pesticides are used alternately in order to avoid resistance.
Zhang Xuping(The Center of Agricultural Technology Extention of Junan County in Shandong Province,Junan 276600,Shandong,China)
Journal of Agriculture