

Scientific and Technological Information Control Mechanism in the United States after World War Ⅱ(1946-1955)
摘要 近年来,美国将中国科技发展视为美国世界霸权地位的威胁,开始打压中国科技企业,限制中国公民赴美学习和交流,加强出口限制,试图遏制中国科技发展。这一系列措施反映了美国重启科技领域的冷战,加强对科技信息传播的控制。美国对科技信息传播的控制始于第二次世界大战后,科学技术在第二次世界大战中显示了强大的力量,美国意识到科技对于国家安全和发展具有重要作用,开始严格控制科技信息的传播。通过保密先进科技、限制科技人员的出入境以及控制科技资料和产品的出口,美国政府构建了一套全方位的科技信息传播控制机制。该机制有助于美国垄断先进科技,维持科技领先优势,成为美国维持世界霸权的重要工具。 Viewing China’s technological advancements in recent years as a threat to American technological hegemony in the world,the United States has started a series of crack-down measures,including banning Chinese technological firms from entry into American market,restricting Chinese citizens in their studies and exchange programs in the United States,and tightening controls on technology exports.Such measures mark a restart of a Cold-War mechanism for controlling scientific and technological information,which began to take shape following the second World War.The war gave the Americans a hint of how important information of science and technology could be to their national security and development,so they set up a mechanism for stopping its spread by classifying advanced technology,restricting entry and exit of scientists and technical personnel,and controlling exports of hi-tech data and products.Such a mechanism aims to keep the American monopoly of advanced technology and the leading position of the United States in technological development and serves as an important tool for the United States to maintain its global hegemony.
作者 潘迎春 洪玲艳 PAN Yingchun;HONG Lingyan
出处 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期79-90,共12页 Thinking
关键词 美国霸权 科技信息 控制机制 science and technology information control mechanism American hegemony
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