
广西大豆产业现状分析及其发展建议 被引量:6

Development status and countermeasures of soybean industry in Guangxi
摘要 【目的】调研分析广西大豆产业现状及其存在的主要问题,并有针对性地提出发展建议,为广西大豆产业的可持续发展提供决策参考。【方法】2018—2020年对广西全区14个地级市的大豆产业情况进行实地调研,重点调研对象为大豆种植及加工相关合作社、企业及地方农业局,主要调查广西大豆种植品种、种植面积、区域分布、加工情况及原料来源等情况,收集相关资料和数据,分析广西大豆产业现状及存在的主要问题,并针对性地提出对策建议。【结果】广西各地栽种大豆较普遍,以夏大豆和秋大豆为主(约占72%)、春大豆次之(约占28%)。自2000年以来,广西大豆种植面积和总产量整体上呈不断下降趋势;主要分布在桂林、河池、百色、南宁及崇左等5个市,2017和2018年5个市的大豆产量分别占广西总产量的68.31%和69.77%。广西大豆多为山区旱地零星种植,且以玉米套种、果园间种或田埂豆的方式种植为主;生产上新品种更新速度较慢,春大豆品种仍以桂春8号和桂早2号等品种及地方农家种为主,夏大豆则以桂夏1号和桂夏3号等品种为主。1992—2020年广西共选育审定大豆品种45个,其中春大豆29个、夏大豆16个;通过广西农作物品种审定委员会审定的品种有41个,通过国家(南方)农作物品种审定委员会审定的品种有9个。广西传统豆制品加工以腐竹、豆腐、豆豉、腐乳、酱油和豆酱等为主,其加工原料主要来自我国东北地区;进入21世纪后新增大豆压榨(主要产品为油脂和豆粕)加工,其加工原料100%为进口转基因大豆。广西大豆产业发展存在的主要问题:大豆种植效益低且自给率低,品种同质化现象较严重,豆制品加工副产品利用率低,科企联合攻关少,大豆生产优势发掘不足。【建议】增加科技研发投入,多学科联合攻关解决大豆产业发展中机械化程度低、品种产量低及专用型品种少等瓶颈问题;强化科学布局,重点支持大豆优势区域和重点品种,促进产业链一体化发展,打造桂字号品牌;加强与东盟国家合作,共同开发东盟大豆种植市场,进而促进广西大豆产业持续健康发展。 【Objective】The development status and existing problems of soybean industry in Guangxi was investiga ted and analyzed,and solutions were proposed to provide references for promoting the sustainable development of soy-bean industry.【Method】From 2018 to 2020,field survey on soybean industry of 14 prefecture-level cities in Guangxi was conducted,especially for planting and processing-related cooperatives,enterprises and local agricultural bureaus.Main planting varieties,soybean planting area,regional distribution,processing conditions and raw material sources in Guangxi was mainly investigated.Relevant information and data was collected for analyzing the development status and main problems of Guangxi soybean industry.Countermeasures and suggestions were putted forward.【Result】Soybean was widely planted in Guangxi,and mainly were summer soybeanand autumn soybean(about 72%),followed by spring soybean(about 28%).The planting area and total yield of soybean in Guangxi have been declining in general since 2000.The soybean planting mainly distributed in Guilin,Hechi,Baise,Nanning and Chongzuo.In 2017 and 2018,the soy-bean output of the five cities accounted for 68.31%and 69.77%of the total output of Guangxi respectively.Most of the soybean in Guangxi was planted sporadically in mountainous dryland and mainly in the way of interplanting with corn,or-chard and ridge planting.In production,the renewal speed of new varieties was slow.The spring soybean varieties were still mainly Guichun No.8,Guizao No.2 and local varieties,while the summer soybean varieties were mainly Guixia No.1 and Guixia No.3.From 1992 to 2020,45 soybean varieties were bred in Guangxi,including 29 spring soybeans and 16 summer soybeans.There were 41 varieties approved by Guangxi Crop Variety Approval Committee,and 9 varieties app-roved by National(Southern)Crop Variety Approval Committee.Traditional soybean products in Guangxi were mainly processed with dried soya cream,tofu,preserved black bean,fermented bean curd,soy sauce and soybean paste.The raw materials for traditional soybean products were mainly from northeastern China.In the twenty-first century,the pro-cessing of soybean press(the main products were oil and soybean meal)was increased,and 100%of the raw materials were imported transgenic soybeans.The main problems existing in the development of soybean industry in Guangxi were as follows:low efficiency of soybean planting and low self-sufficiency rate;serious homogenization of soybean varieties;low utilization rate of soybean processing by-products;few joint researching by scientific research institutes and enter-prises.【Suggestion】Increase investment in technological research and development for soybean industry.Multidisci-plinary joint researchshould be conducted to solve problems such as small-scale mechanization,soybean low-yield,va-riety specialization.Strengthen scientific layout and support dominant soybean production regions and key soybean varie ties.Increasing the integrated development of the industrial chain and create Gui brand productions.Strengthen coopera-tion with ASEAN countries to expand the soybean planting market,etc.,to promote the sustainable and healthy develop-ment of soybean industry in Guangxi.
作者 陈文杰 陈怀珠 覃夏燕 韦清源 汤复跃 郭小红 陈渊 梁江 CHENWen-jie;CHEN Huai-zhu;QIN Xia-yan;WEI Qing-yuan;TANG Fu-yue;GUO Xiao-hong;CHEN Yuan;LIANG Jiang(Cash Crop research Institute,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning 530007,China)
出处 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1450-1459,共10页 Journal of Southern Agriculture
基金 国家农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-04-CES30) 广西重点研发计划项目(桂科AB19245011) 广西自然科学基金面上项目(2019GXNSFAA185009) 广西农业科学院基本科研业务专项(桂农科2021YT055)。
关键词 大豆 产业 发展现状 存在问题 对策建议 广西 soybean industry current status existing problems countermeasures and suggestion Guangxi
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