Towards a Sustainable Food Chain Food Process,Bioprocessing and Food Quality Management Nantes,France-April 18-20,2011.http://impascience.eu/CIGR/.The Food and Microbial Engineering Laboratory of the University of Burgundy and Agrosup Dijon,together with the Embrapa Labex Europa and the Food Safety Group of CIGR(International Commission of Agricultural Engineering)organize a workshop"Food Safety:Advances and Trends",to be held on the 14th and 15th April 2011 at Agrosup Dijon,with the support of Welience.CIGR-SECTION 6 CIGR Section VI(Postharvest Technology and Process Engineering)deals with the engineering and principles and technologies in postharvest and processing of agri-food products.It is devoted to follow the trends,promote the advancement and enhance the dissemination and transfer of technology in postharvest and processing at a global scale.