
鸡胸合并哈氏沟凹陷的个体化治疗 被引量:1

Individualised treatment of pectus carinatum combined with Haversian sulcus depression
摘要 目的探讨微创胸骨沉降术联合Nuss术治疗鸡胸合并哈氏沟凹陷的可行性。方法收集2015年6月-2020年8月安徽省儿童医院胸外科收治鸡胸合并哈氏沟凹陷行微创胸骨沉降术联合Nuss术的个体化治疗患儿的临床资料,包括:Haller指数、手术时间、术中出血量、术后住院时间、术后并发症、家属满意度等,对这些资料进行描述分析。结果本研究共收集45例鸡胸合并哈氏沟凹陷患儿临床资料,其中男43例,女2例,年龄为8~18(12.98±1.80)岁,体重为23.00~68.50(44.58±8.60)kg,测量Haller指数为1.69~2.27(2.12±0.15)。所有患儿均顺利完成手术,手术时间为107~208(181.89±32.61)min,术中出血量为5~20(10.58±2.58)mL,术后家属对患儿胸廓外观改善的满意率在95%以上,无严重手术并发症,其中1例患者切口感染,定期换药后逐渐愈合。术后1、4、12、24个月定期复查,其中22例已取出内固定支架,取出支架后1个月~1年随访,无复发表现。结论微创胸骨沉降术联合Nuss术的个体化方案,适用于治疗鸡胸合并哈氏沟凹陷患儿,不仅能最大限度地改善胸壁外观,而且可以增加胸腔容积,值得推广应用。 Objective To explore the feasibility of minimally invasive sternal sedimentation combined with Nuss procedure in the treatment of pectus carinatum with Haversian sulcus depression.Methods We collected the clinical data of children treated with minimally invasive sternal sedimentation combined with Nuss procedure for pectus carinatum with Haversian sulcus depression during June 2015 to August 2020.Then,we described and analysed their information such as Haller index,operative time,intraoperative blood loss,postoperative hospitalisation time,postoperative complications and family satisfaction.Results A total of 45 cases with pectus carinatum with Haversian sulcus depression were collected.Amongst them,43 were boys,and 2 were girls.Their age ranged from 8 to 18 years[average age(12.98±1.80)years].Their weight ranged from 23.00 to 28.50 kg[(44.58±8.60)kg].Their Haller index ranged from 1.69 to 2.27(2.12±0.15).The surgery was successfully performed in all patients.The surgery time ranged from 107 to 208 min[(181.89±32.61)min].Intraoperative bleeding was between 5 mL and 20 mL[(10.58±2.58)mL].The satisfaction rate was>95%.No severe surgical complications were noted.Infection at the incision site in one patient was treated with regular changing of wound dressing.We followed up the patients for 1,4,12 and 24 months after surgery.There are 22 patients removed their internal support at present.During the follow-up period,no recurrence was observed.Conclusion Individualised minimally invasive sternal sedimentation combined with Nuss procedure is suitable for the treatment of pectus carinatum with Haversian sulcus depression.It not only improves the chest wall appearance,but also increases the volume of the chest.Thus,it is worth popularising and applying.
作者 祝宝丰 段贤伦 钟稳稳 孙迪文 李旭 ZHU Bao-feng;DUAN Xian-lun;ZHONG Wen-wen;SUN Di-wen;LI Xu(Department of Thoracic Surgery,Children's Hospital of Anhui Province,Hefei,Anhui 230051,China)
出处 《中华全科医学》 2021年第10期1662-1665,共4页 Chinese Journal of General Practice
基金 安徽省卫生健康委科研计划项目(2019SEY002)。
关键词 鸡胸 哈氏沟凹陷 微创胸骨沉降术 NUSS术 Pectus carinatum Haversian sulcus Minimally invasive sterna sedimentation Nuss procedure
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