
北京市体检中心健康体检人群过敏性疾病患病特征分析 被引量:3

Analysis on the characteristics of allergic diseases in health examination population of Beijing Medical Center
摘要 目的了解北京市体检中心健康体检人群过敏性疾病患病现状及特征,为加强过敏性疾病防控提供依据。方法采用横断面研究,选取2018年6-9月在北京市体检中心进行体检的体检者,按有无过敏性疾病史分为过敏性疾病组和非过敏性疾病组。分析过敏性疾病组体检者在基本情况、生活方式、过敏原情况及防护行为等方面的特征。结果共获得有效问卷的健康体检者8 938人,其中男性5 135人(57.45%),女性3 803人(42.55%)。过敏性疾病组共934例,占全部入选体检者的10.45%,女性多于男性(11.62%vs. 9.58%,P<0.05)。存在单种过敏原者671例(671/934,71.84%),其中以单种药物类过敏者最多(330/671,49.18%)。在过敏原的种类中,累计过敏原1 278项,药物类过敏原占39.91%(510/1 278),其中青霉素过敏占59.02%(301/510);吸入类过敏原401例(401/1 278,31.38%)。过敏性疾病组中锻炼频率低(<5次/周,80.95%)、时间短(<1 h/次,84.21%)者比例高,轻度体力劳动者(77.09%)比例高,不戴口罩者(87.31%)比例高,雾霾天户外活动时间2 h以内者(65.81%)比例高,使用空气净化器者不到半数(41.35%)。结论北京市体检中心健康体检人群患过敏性疾病比例较高且不注重个人防护措施,需根据不同人群过敏性疾病的患病特点,针对不同类型的过敏原,采取针对性的防护措施。 Objective To understand the current situation of allergic diseases in the health examination population of Beijing and provide the basis for formulating effective prevention measures and strengthening the prevention and control of allergic diseases. Methods Using a cross-sectional study, the patients who were selected for physical examination at the Beijing Physical Examination Center from June to September 2018 were divided into the allergic disease group and non-allergic disease group according to the history of allergic diseases. Characteristics such as basic condition, lifestyle, allergen condition and protective behaviour were analysed. Results A total of 8 938 people were included in the health examination, including 5 135 males(57.45%) and 3 803 females(42.55%). A total of 934 people were included in the allergic disease group, accounting for 10.45% of the selected physical examination population. More women had allergies than men(11.62% vs 9.58%, P<0.05). Moreover, 671 cases had a single allergen(671/934, 71.84%), amongst which the most single drug allergy(330/671, 49.18%). A total of 1278 allergens were obtained;39.91%(510/1 278) were drug allergens, of which 59.02%(301/510) were penicillin allergies and 401 were inhaled allergens(401/1 278, 31.38%). The proportion of people with low exercise frequency(less than five times per week, 80.95%) and short exercise time(less than 1 h each time, 84.21%) was high in the allergic disease group. High proportion of mild manual workers(77.09%), a high percentage(87.31%) of non-masked persons, haze outdoor activities within 2 h(65.81%) high proportion, less than half of those using air purifiers(41.35%). Conclusion The proportion of allergic diseases in the health examination population of Beijing is high, and individuals with allergic diseases do not pay attention to personal protective measures. According to the characteristics of allergic diseases in different populations, targeted protective measures should be taken for different types of allergens.
作者 陈思雨 马力 CHEN Si-yu;MA Li(Department of General Practice,Beijing Tiantan Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100070,China)
出处 《中华全科医学》 2021年第10期1706-1709,共4页 Chinese Journal of General Practice
基金 北京市科技计划项目(Z161100001116109)
关键词 健康体检 过敏性疾病 药物过敏 Healthy physical examination population Allergic diseases Drug allergy
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