刚刚进入今年二季度,东芝公司就表示,已收到私募股权公司CVC Capital Partners的收购要约,涉及金额预计超过2万亿日元,这将是近期海外机构对日本企业收购的最新纪录。如果交易成功,东芝退市就成定局。146岁的东芝,曾经的“日本制造”代表,何以沦落到几近卖身的地步?
Just into the second quarter of this year,Toshiba said it has received a takeover offer from private equity firm CVC Capital Partners,involving an amount expected to exceed 2 trillion yen,which would be the latest record of recent acquisitions of Japanese companies by overseas institutions.If the deal goes through,Toshiba's exit from the market will be a foregone conclusion.At 146 years old,Toshiba,once the representative of"Made in Japan"brands,how did it fall to the point of almost sellin g itself?
China State-Owned Enterprise Management