

Three Significant Changes and Enlightenment in Party Member Management since the 18^(th) National Congress of the CPC
摘要 2019年年底中共党员已达9191.4万,如何管理好这支较为庞大的党员队伍,发挥出党员应有的先锋作用,永葆党的先进性和纯洁性,考验着党内管理方面的自我革命能力。这也是建党百年来我们不断面对而又必须重视和解决的课题。值得我们研究的是,党的十八大以来,针对党内存在的思想不纯、政治不纯、组织不纯、作风不纯问题,党员队伍的数量与质量、分量、能量不相匹配的问题,党内管理存在的宽软松等问题,在贯彻全面从严治党的要求下,党员队伍管理出现了自我革命式的三个重大转变:信仰管理从抽象要求走向制度举措,信用管理从要求自觉到对表对标对照,信任管理带着“监督”前行。这三个转变不仅提升了党员个体质量,也推进了党的建设高质量发展。 At the end of 2019,the number of CPC members reached 91.914 million.How to manage well this party team with a large number of members,how to give full play to the vanguard role of party members and maintain forever the party’s advancement and purity,these questions test the self-revolutionary ability of the party in its own management.They are also the topics that we have been facing for one hundred years since the founding of the party,and that we should attach importance to and try our best to solve.Since the 18 th national congress of the CPC,aiming at the problems that exist in the party such as the impurity of thoughts,politics,organization and style,the unmatching phenomenon between the number of party team and its quality,quantity and capacity,and the relaxed and weak management in the party etc.,there arise three significant self-revolutionary changes,which are worthy of our study,in the management of party member team under the requirement of seeing the party self-governance exercised fully and with rigor.The three changes are that:belief management goes from abstract requirements to institutional measures;credit management goes from self-consciousness to comparison with the tables and the standards;and the confidence management goes together with“supervision”.The three changes not only improve the individual quality of party members,but also promote the high-quality development of party building.
作者 李莉 Li Li(Henan Provincial Party School of CPC,Zhengzhou City,Henan Province,451000)
出处 《黄河科技学院学报》 2021年第9期14-19,共6页 Journal of Huanghe S&T College
关键词 党内管理 自我革命 党员队伍 信仰 inner-party management self-revolution party member team faith
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