
数字人文视域下高校图书馆知识服务创新研究 被引量:3

Research on Knowledge Service Innovation of University Library from the Perspective of Digital Humanities
摘要 数字人文视域下,高校图书馆知识服务创新面临着馆藏资源结构配置优化、文献资源利用途径多样化、知识服务模式个性化和图书馆学科研究范畴不断拓展的挑战。高校图书馆可从嵌入式的知识服务、多样化的文献服务、精准化的数据分析服务和智慧化的空间服务等方面拓展服务的深度与广度,还可以通过建立数字人文中心、培养具备数字人文素养的学科馆员、促进数字人文研究成果的推广应用以及构建数字人文协同服务体系,以放大自身优势,让用户享受到更好更有效的服务。 From the perspective of Digital Humanities,the innovation of knowledge service in university libraries is facing the challenges of optimizing the structure of library resources,diversifying the utilization of literature resources,individualizing the mode of knowledge service and expanding the scope of library discipline research.University libraries can expand the depth and width of services from embedded knowledge services,diversified literature services,accurate data analysis services and intelligent space services.They can also establish Digital Humanities Center,cultivate subject librarians with Digital Humanities literacy,promote the popularization and application of Digital Humanities Research results,and construct Digital Humanities collaborative service body in order to enlarge their own advantages and let users enjoy better and more effective services.
作者 罗舒 LUO Shu(Library of Hunan First Normal University,Changsha,Hunan 410205)
出处 《湖南第一师范学院学报》 2021年第3期92-95,102,共5页 Journal of Hunan First Normal University
基金 湖南省教育厅科研项目一般项目“移动互联网时代高校图书馆个性化知识服务的实践与创新研究”(18C0946)。
关键词 高校图书馆 数字人文 知识服务 university library digital humanities knowledge service
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