China's carbon emission has a stable industrial concentration.The carbon emissions of the topsix industries from 2000 to 2017,such as the production and supply of electric power,steam and hot water,ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing,non-metallic mineral products,transportation,storage and postand telecommunications services,chemical raw materials and chemicals,and petroleum processing and coking.accounted for more than 80%of the national carbon emissions,which were the key to achieve carbon peak.At thesame time,the top six industries of carbon emissions had large scale and large number of employees,and theirdistribution in each province was different.In order to achicve carbon peak,the scheme should be formulatedaccording to the industry and its distribution characteristics.For the production and supply of electric power,steam and hot water,it is necessary to accelerate the formation of a new power system of"horizontal multienergy complementarity and vertical sourcc nctwork load storage coordination",as well as to improve the energyefficiency and renewable energy utilization ratio of the heating industry;for the four manufacturing industrieswith high carbon emissions,including ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry,non-metallic mineral products industry,chemical raw materials and chemicals industry, petroleum processing and coking industry,it is necessary to reduce production capacity, promote industrial upgrading and optimize industrial layout;fortransportation, storage and post and telecommunications services, the transportation and storage industry needs tochange the transportation power, promote technological innovation and optimize the transportation structure. Thepost and telecommunications service industry needs to strengthen the disclosure of carbon emission information,increase technological innovation and improve the utilization proportion of renewable energy.
Energy of China
"Top Six Industries of Carbon Emissions"
Peak of Carbon Emissions