

An Analysis of the Necessity of Cultivating College Students’Rational Choice Ability from the Perspective of National Security
摘要 在高校教育体系中,正确价值观的塑造既是高校政治教育的中心任务,也是国家安全观教育的重要内容之一。在全球化背景下,通讯工具的迅猛发展为西方价值观的渗透提供了技术支持,多重因素相互交织导致"自由、民主、平等、人权"等思想以各种形式进入高校,多元的价值观点可能会带来多元的价值选择,影响大学生的认知与判断,影响政治教育的效果,甚至对国家安全产生负面影响。教育的价值不仅在于掌握知识,更重要的在于培养能力,坚持理论与实践相结合,符合马克思主义理论所要求的认识世界与改造世界的原则与要求。在教育体系中高校肩负着的人才培养、服务社会的职能,要求教育工作者必须以现实为出发点,以未来为着力点,以国家社会需要为己任,培养合格的社会主义事业建设者和可靠接班人。当前正值国家新"三步走"战略第二步的起步阶段、实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史阶段,确保作为未来社会主义建设中坚力量的大学生能够在国际复杂局势中始终保持社会主义观点、坚定社会主义立场、明确社会主义方向、承担自身的历史使命,是高等教育思想政治教育的核心内容。在此要求下,高校应将学生理性选择能力培养作为高校思想政治工作的重点之一,其意义不仅在于培育学生在纷繁复杂的社会变革中依然保持共产主义信仰不放松,而且能够为培养学生正确的国家安全观提供理论与现实基础。 In the college education system,the shaping of correct values is not only the central task of college political education,but also one of the important contents of national security education.In the context of globalization,the rapid development of communication tools has provided technical support for the penetration of Western values.The intertwining of multiple factors has led to the entry of"freedom,democracy,equality,human rights"and other ideas into colleges and universities in various forms.It brings multiple value choices,affects the cognition and judgment of college students,affects the effect of political education,and even has a negative impact on national security.The value of education lies not only in mastering knowledge,but more importantly in cultivating ability.The combination of theory and practice conforms to the principles and requirements of understanding and transforming the world required by Marxist theory.In the education system,colleges and universities shoulder the responsibility of cultivating talents and serving the society.The function requires educators to take reality as the starting point,focus on the future,and take the needs of the country and society as their responsibility to train qualified builders and successors of the socialist cause.It is now the second step of the country’s new three-step strategy.In the beginning period,the historical stage of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,college students,as the backbone of the future socialist construction,should always maintain a socialist viewpoint,a socialist position,and a socialist direction in a complex international situation,and clarify their own historical mission.It is the core content of ideological and political education in higher education.Under this requirement,colleges and universities should take the cultivation of students’rational choice ability as one of the key points in the ideological and political work.Its meaning lies not only in making college students maintain communist beliefs firmly under the complex background of values,but also in providing a theoretical and practical basis for cultivating students’views on national security.
作者 曹微 胡立娟 CAO Wei;HU Lijuan
出处 《科教文汇》 2021年第26期64-66,共3页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 2021年度广东省教育科学规划课题(党史学习教育专项)“党史学习教育融入‘基础’课的路径探索”(项目编号:DSYJ076,主持人:胡立娟) 2020年广东省高校思想政治教育课题“运用粤籍名人资源提升高校思想政治教育亲和力研究”(项目编号:2020GXSZ109,主持人:胡立娟)的成果。
关键词 思想政治教育 理性选择 马克思主义 国家安全观 ideological and political education rational choice Marxism views on national security
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