
风景的政治--约翰·福尔斯“自然书写”中的文学想象与文化消费 被引量:3

Landscape Politics:Literary Imagination and Cultural Consumption in the"Nature Writing"of John Folwes
摘要 约翰·福尔斯小说中的自然书写是对英国田园文学传统的继承与超越。一方面,他承袭“乡村英格兰”的文学想象传统,通过对乡村田园生活与自然风景的描绘,反衬、批判城市工业文明的诸多弊端;另一方面,他又以马克思主义批评视角与方法,揭示田园文学想象与“如画美”趣味背后的意识形态隐喻和文化消费悖论,即在描绘人与自然的和谐美好图景时,常有意遮蔽乡村的贫苦生活和主仆之间的雇佣剥削关系。都市中上层有产者欣赏乡村风景时有意忽略劳作场景,使其对自然的欣赏成为一种精英化的艺术联想。福尔斯的自然书写超越上述悖论,追溯以“罗宾汉”为原型的“绿色英格兰人”及其自然精神,借以反叛以“约翰牛”为代表的不列颠帝国形象及其资本主义精神。 The nature writing of John Fowles is the inheritance and transcendence of English pastoral literary tradition. On the one hand, he follows the literary imagination of "Rural England", criticizing the disadvantages of urban industrial civilization in contrast with the rural pastoral life. On the other hand, he reveals the ideological metaphor and cultural consumption paradox behind the idyllic imagination from the perspective of Marxist criticism. The poverty in the countryside and the employment exploitation relationship are often weakened in face of the harmony between the human and nature. The urban middle and upper strata intentionally ignore the labor scenes, making their appreciation of nature kind of artistic imagination of the elites. The nature writing of John Fowles explores the "green Englishmen" which are based on Robin Hood and their natural spirit so as to rebel against the British imperial image and the spirit of capitalism embodied in the image of John Bull.
作者 刘亚 LIU Ya(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《山东科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第5期100-106,共7页 Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目(19CWWJ08) 山东省高等学校人文社会科学研究项目(J17RB043)。
关键词 约翰·福尔斯 自然书写 意识形态 文学想象 文化消费 John Fowles:nature writing ideology literary imagination cultural consumption
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  • 1周泽东.论“如画性”与自然审美[J].贵州社会科学,2007(5):134-138. 被引量:3
  • 2玛吉·莱恩.《简·奥斯汀的世界--英国最受欢迎的作家的生活和时代》,郭静译,海南出版社,2004年,第157页.
  • 3A. Walton Litz, "The Picturesque in Pride and Prejudice", in Persuasions, 13 (1979), pp. 15 -24.
  • 4Edward Copeland and Juliet Mcmaster, eds. , The Cambridge Companion to Jane Auaten, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 32 -57.
  • 5Barbara Britton Wenner, Prospect and Refuge in the Landscape of Jane Austen , Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2006, p. 5.
  • 6Henry Austen, "Biographical Notice of the Author", in Susan Fraiman, ed., Northanger Abbey, New York:W. W. Norton MYM Company, Inc. , 2004, p. 194.
  • 7John McAleer, " What a Biographer Can Learn about Jane Austen from Her Juvenilia", in J. David Grey, ed. , Jane Austen's Beginnings: The Juvenilia and Lady Susan, Arm Arbor/London: U. M. I Research Press, 1989, p. 9.
  • 8Observations on the River Wye and several parta of South Wales, etc. relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty;made in the summer of the year 1770.
  • 9Observations on the Western Parts of England, etc. relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty; to which are added, A Few Remarks on the Picturesque Beauties of the Isle of Wight.
  • 10Christopher Gillie, A Preface to Austen, Peking : Peking University Press, 2005, p. 91.










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