

Public Telegraphic Diplomacy by Presidents of Chinese Universities towards the United States before the Pacific War
摘要 七七事变后至太平洋战争前的几年内,中国凭借一国之力殊死抵抗比自己强大数倍的暴敌。为获得国际同情和支援,中国政府和社会各界进行了广泛的对外宣传,中国大学校长联名通电的民间外交努力即为其中不可忽略的一环。大学校长联名通电的对象最初主要是国际联盟和《九国公约》组织,后逐步聚焦美国,呼吁美国对日禁运飞行设备,并以全面制日援华为目标彻底废除《美日通商航海条约》、修正《中立法》,使中国抗战与一触即发的世界反法西斯战争连为一体。聚焦美国的通电行动,基于大学校长们对当时国际战略形势和中国抗战现实需要的敏锐判断,同时与他们的学缘有一定关联。这一系列呼吁既是当时中国国际宣传的重要组成部分和国家战争动员能力提升的体现,亦彰显了大学知识精英的道义担当,对争取广泛的国际同情和美国政治经济援助发挥了舆论作用,是中华民族全面抗战的一个侧面。 Between the July 7th Incident and the Pacific War,China was lonely fighting against Japanese aggression.In order to acquire international sympathy and support,the Chinese government and all sectors of society had conducted extensive publicity to the outside world.The unofficial diplomacy efforts of the presidents of Chinese universities'joint public telegrams were important parts of these efforts.The initial targets of joint public telegrams was mainly the League of Nations and the Nine-Power Treaty Convention Group,and then gradually focused on the United States.They asked the United States to embargo flight equipment against Japanese aggression,repeal the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and Japan and amend the Neutrality Law to sanction Japan and aid China comprehensively,which maked the war of resistance against Japan and the coming World Anti-Fascist War an organic whole.The action of focusing on the United States was based on the university presidents'keen judgment of the international strategic situation and the realistic needs of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression,as well as related to their academic backgrounds.This series of appeals were not only important parts of China's international propaganda,but also reflections of the improvement of the nation's war mobilization ability.It also showed the morality and responsibility of the university intellectual elite,and played a role in public opinion in winning broad international sympathy and political and economic assistance from the United States.
作者 何卓恩 潘恩源 He Zhuoen;Pan Enyuan(Institute of Chinese Modern History, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期152-161,共10页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“近代大学与中国政治”(15JJD770010)。
关键词 抗日战争 大学校长 民间外交 中美关系 the war of Resistance against Japanese aggression presidents of the universities unofficial diplomacy China-US relations
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