
“一带一路”与后疫情时代国际能源秩序重塑:全球挑战、治理反思与中国选择 被引量:4

The Belt and Road Initiative and Reshaping Post-COVID-19’s International Energy Order:The Global Challenges,Governance Reflection and China’s Options
摘要 虽然当前国际油价已趋于稳步回升,但新冠肺炎疫情与油价暴跌所暴露出的叠加效应,却印证出国际能源治理的无序化;且到目前为止,这种无序化仍未得到根本性改观。这也将意味着,国际油价的再次振荡、国际能源市场的不确定性仍会对未来国家能源安全形成严峻挑战。显然,这种无序化和不确定性是由于国际能源机制的治理能力匮乏所造成的。故而,在后疫情时代世界秩序重构之时,应从根本上确立起新的国家能源安全观,充分发挥"一带一路"能源合作伙伴关系的制度优势,加强能源金融建设,从而实现在新发展格局下,促成国际能源秩序重塑,保障能源安全的新时代使命。 Although international oil prices have been steadily rising,the overlapping effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and the collapse of oil prices demonstrate the disordered governance of international energy.So far,this disorder has not been fundamentally changed yet.And this also means that both of the international oil price shock once again and the uncertainty of the international energy market will still make a severe challenge to the national energy security in the future.Obviously,this disorder and uncertainty are caused by the lack of governance capacity of the international energy mechanism.Therefore,in the world order reconstruction of the post-COVID-19 era,we should fundamentally establish a new national energy security concept,give full play institutional advantage of the Belt and Road Energy Partnership(BREP),strengthen the construction of energy finance,so as to in the new development paradigm realize to reshape international energy order and safeguard energy security.
作者 吕江 Lv Jiang
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期164-172,共9页 Socialism Studies
基金 2019年度国家社会科学基金西部项目“欧美能源治理现代化的制度性设计及中国的路径选择研究”(20XGJ008)。
关键词 “一带一路” 国际能源秩序 能源治理 新冠肺炎疫情 the Belt and Road Initiative International Energy Order Energy Governance COVID-19
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