Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder(PTLD)is a rare but life-threatening complication of both allogeneic solid organ(SOT)and hematopoietic cell transplantation(HCT).The histology of PTLD ranges from benign polyclonal lymphoproliferation to a lesion indistinguishable from classic monoclonal lymphoma.Most commonly,PTLDs are Epstein-Barr virus(EBV)positive and result from loss of immune surveillance over EBV.Treatment for PTLD differs from the treatment for typical non-Hodgkin lymphoma because prognostic factors are different,resistance to treatment is unique,and there are specific concerns for organ toxicity.While recipients of HCT have a limited time during which they are at risk for this complication,recipients of SOT have a lifelong requirement for immunosuppression,so approaches that limit compromising or help restore immune surveillance are of high interest.Furthermore,while EBV-positive and EBV-negative PTLDs are not intrinsically resistant to chemotherapy,the poor tolerance of chemotherapy in the post-transplant setting makes it essential to minimize potential treatment-related toxicities and explore alternative treatment algorithms.Therefore,reduced-toxicity approaches such as single-agent CD20 monoclonal antibodies or bortezomib,reduced dosing of standard chemotherapeutic agents,and non-chemotherapy-based approaches such as cytotoxic T cells have all been explored.Here,we review the chemotherapy and non-chemotherapy treatment landscape for PTLD.
We acknowledge support of the NCI Cancer Center Support Grant P30 CA008748.