
智能化时代的个性化训练--机器学习应用研究进展与数字化未来 被引量:26

Personalized Training in the Intelligent Era:The Application Research Progress of Machine Learning and the Digital Future of Sports Training
摘要 人工智能被视为升华精准个性化训练的新动能,尤其在整合分期训练模式引领下,亟待建立数字化为基础、网络化为载体的人工智能训练方法应用体系。数字化智能化训练方法在全球范围内方兴未艾,通过系统文献分析阐述了运动训练中机器学习算法应用研究进展及其特征,并提出运动训练中机器学习应用模式框架示例,以期搭建运动训练界与信息科学界的交流桥梁,助力国内人工智能技术生成的个性化训练研究。为更好把握新时代赋予的机遇与挑战,提出:①推进数字化转型,实现整合训练范式革新;②打造智能化体系,助力“人机协同”精准个性化训练升级;③紧跟数字化前沿,“智造”数字孪生训练黑科技;④推进智能化时代的个性化训练面临着3大问题与挑战。 Artificial intelligence is regarded as a new kinetic energy for refinement of targeted and personalized training.Under the guidance of Integrated Periodization Training mode in particular,it is urgent to establish an application system of artificial intelligence training methods based on digitalization and networking.However,digital and intelligent training methods are in the ascendant all over the world.Through systematic literature analysis,the research progress and characteristics of the application of machine learning algorithms in sports training are explained,and an example of the application model framework of machine learning in sports training is proposed to bridge the communication between the community of sports training and the information science,and help domestic artificial intelligence technology,and assist the research on personalized training generated by domestic artificial intelligence technology.Finally,in order to better grasp the opportunities and challenges given by the new era,it is proposed:①Promote digital transformation and realize the innovation of integrated training paradigm;②Create an intelligent system to help upgrade“human-machine collaboration”and targeted and personalized training;③Follow up with the digital frontier,take advantage of black technology for sports training that intelligently creates digital twins;④Realization of the personalized training in the intelligent era faces 3 major problems and challenges.
作者 胡海旭 金成平 HU Haixu;JIN Chengping(School of Sports Training,Nanjing Sport Institute,Nanjing 210014,China;Jiangsu Sports and Health Engineering Collaborative Innovation Center,Nanjing 210014,China;Department of Physical Education,Wuhan Technical University,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《体育学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期9-19,共11页 Journal of Sports Research
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(20BTY092)。
关键词 个性化训练 整合分期 机器学习 数字教练 数字孪生 sports training integrated staging machine learning digital coaching digital twin
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