
基于路径演化视角的我国科技成果转化模式变迁及对策分析 被引量:5

Research on the Changing Mode of S&T Achievements Transformation and Countermeasures in China based on the Perspective of Path Evolution
摘要 试图基于现有研究总结出科技成果转化的模式变迁,完善研究体系,提供理论指导。基于路径演化视角,系统地总结了科技成果转化各个阶段的转化模式并分析了特征,指出三大现存问题,最终对成果转化涉及的多个主体提出了具有针对性、可行性的对策措施。研究发现:科技成果转化的模式变迁是一个动态发展的过程,演化的实质是从单一的直接转化向间接转化为主转变;科技中介尤其是虚拟平台中介为科技成果的市场化、商业化、产业化做出了巨大贡献;科技成果转化过程中,各主体只有各司其职,积极承担各自责任,才能真正实现“沉睡”技术资源的合理配置。 This paper tries to summarize the transformation mode of Science&Technology(S&T)achievements based on existing research,improve the research system and provide theo⁃retical guidance.From the perspective of path evolution,the transformation of S&T achieve⁃ments is divided into four stages:initial development stage,comprehensive deepening stage,ac⁃celerated development stage and key breakthrough stage.Summarizing the relevant legal basis,the paper systematically summarizes the transforma⁃tion modes of each stage and analyzes the characteristics.At first,it was a direct transformation stage dominated by scientific researchers starting their own business;Then,indirect transforma⁃tion emerged,and S&T intermediaries became new forces,including government-run ones and private intermediaries;So far,the transformation model has become more diversified and system⁃atic,and the technology intermediary has risen step by step.In addition to the entity intermedi⁃ary,there are also emerging virtual intermediaries.In this regard,we generate three problems:The support of government policies to S&T intermediaries needs to be improved;There is a lack of compound professionals for the transforma⁃tion of S&T achievements;The platform transformation effect of existing S&T intermediaries is poor.And finally,we put forward targeted and realizable countermeasures for multiple subjects involved in achievement transformation.Among them,the national level should continue to im⁃prove relevant macro regional and industrial policies,and to formulate specific tax relief policies so as to promote the transformation of entity intermediary platforms;Universities and scientific research institutes should establish their own scientific and technological achievements transfor⁃mation institutions as soon as possible.They need to develop service mechanisms,train profes⁃sionals,improve incentive mechanisms,and encourage university personnel to cooperate with scientific research intermediaries;S&T intermediaries and service institutions should assume ba⁃sic moral and social responsibilities,actively set up online virtual network platform,strengthen talent training,and build a professional team with both technical knowledge and business think⁃ing;The enterprises should establish the subject consciousness,handle the relationship between the internal organization R&D department as well as the S&T intermediary.They should under⁃take as many S&T researches and S&T achievement transformation projects which are organized and implemented by the government as possible,so as to realize the scientific and technological innovation growth of the enterprises themselves.The results show that:the change of S&T achievements transformation mode is a dynamic development process,and the essence of evolution is from a single direct transformation to indi⁃rect transformation,while the direct transformation plays an important role in it;S&T intermedi⁃ary,especially the virtual platform intermediary,has made great contributions to the marketiza⁃tion,commercialization and industrialization of achievements transformation;in the process of the S&T achievement transformation,only each participant performs its own duties and actively assumes responsibilities,could the rational allocation of sleeping technology resources be real⁃ized.
作者 邢战雷 吴月佳 孙艳蕾 Xing Zhanlei;Wu Yuejia;Sun Yanlei(School of Economics and Management,Shanxi University of Science and Technology,Xi'an Shanxi 710021)
出处 《创新科技》 2021年第8期25-34,共10页 Innovation science and technology
基金 陕西省社会科学基金“陕西高校科技创新能力评价及提升对策研究”(2020R023) 西安市科技计划项目“科技监督与科研诚信体系建设研究--以西安市为对象”(XA2020-RKXYJ-0175)。
关键词 科技成果转化 路径演化 科技中介 虚拟平台 S&T Achievements Transformation path evolution science and technology inter⁃mediary virtual platform
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