
汉韩疑问词的否定功能对比分析--以“什么”和“mu eot”为例

Comparative Analysis of Negative Functions of Interrogative Words in Chinese and Korean:A Case Study of“shen me”and“mu eot”
摘要 汉语“什么”的句式类型可分为三大类六小类,其中“V+什么+NP”是韩国语没有的句式;韩国语“mu eot”的句式类型也分为三大类六小类,其中“NP+mu eot”是汉语没有的句式。此外,其他句式在两种语言均有对应的结构。分析表明,尽管两种语言的相同句式多于不同句式,但在具体使用环境及功能上存在一定的差异。关于只表达否定义的固定结构,汉语的主要手段是重复使用否定焦点成分,韩国语是主要通过一些具有否定含义的词尾或其他固定句式。汉语“什么”的否定用法在形式表达上更偏向于使用谓词性成分,而韩国语“mu eot”则更偏向于使用体词性成分。 This paper makes a comparative study of the negative usages of the interrogative pronoun“shen me”in Chinese and the interrogative word“mu eot”in Korean by adopting the analysis approach of comparing functions.The sentence pattern of“shen me”in Chinese can be divided into three major categories and six sub-categories,among which the sentence pattern of“V+shen me+NP”does not exist in Korean;the sentence pattern of“mu eot”in Korean can also be divided into three major categories and six sub-categories,among which the sentence pattern of“NP+mu eot”does not exist in Chinese.Except for the abovementioned patterns,there are corresponding structures in both languages as for the other sentence patterns.The analysis indicates that although there are more identical sentence patterns than different sentence patterns in the two languages,there are certain differences in the specific context of use and functions.As for the fixed structure that only expresses the negative meaning,the main method in Chinese is to repeatedly use the focus element of negation,while in Korean,the main method is to adopt some suffixes with negative meanings or other fixed sentence patterns.Finally,we also found that in the negative usage of“shen me”in Chinese,it is more inclined to use predicative components with regard to the expression form,while“mu eot”in Korean is more inclined to be used with nominal components.
作者 金龙军 Jin Longjun
出处 《东北亚外语研究》 2021年第3期49-58,共10页 Foreign Language Research in Northeast Asia
基金 大韩民国教育部和韩国学中央研究院(韩国学振兴事业团)“浙江地区海外韩国学种子型课题支持项目”(AKS-2020-INC-2230008) 浙江省教育厅一般科研项目“韩国语学习者写作语料库建设与应用研究”(Y201840124)的阶段性成果。
关键词 什么 mu eot 疑问词 否定 对比研究 “shen me(什么)” “mu eot(무엇)” interrogative words negation comparative study
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