Under the circumstances of Trump’s "America First" policy implemented,the long-term trend of game between China and the United States showed,the COVID-19 epidemic burst and ravaged the world,and the world economy has been severely recessed,significant progress has been made in the economic integration of the lagging East Asia and Asia-Pacific regions. Following the CPTPP reached by 11 Asia-Pacific countries in March 2018,15 countries in the region signed RCEP in November 2020. It means that "a free trade area with the largest population,the most diversified membership,and the most dynamic development in the world" will soon be established which will add new impetus to the promotion of economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region. RCEP and CPTPP are two formed large-scale FTAs coexisting in the Asia-Pacific region currently,and how it evolves and develops under the new situation are related to the prospects of economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region. It is of great significance to track the trend of RCEP and analyze its possible economic effects and political influence,especially its impact on the economic integration of the AsiaPacific region and the world economic and political structure.
Northeast Asia Forum