
日本、韩国粮食安全现状、政策及其启示 被引量:11

The Current Situation,Policy,and Enlightenment of Food Security in Japan and Republic of Korea
摘要 2020年以来新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球,粮食供应链部分受阻,粮价不断攀升,粮食安全问题受到各国普遍关注。随着经济社会持续进步,粮食安全的内涵和外延不断拓展,涵盖数量安全、质量安全、社会安全和生态安全四个层面。日本、韩国目前基本可以实现主粮自给,但其他粮食仍然依赖进口,膳食营养结构相对健康,生态农业取得一定进步,但在食物微观分配方面,仍存在着一些不和谐因素。为维护粮食安全,日本、韩国特别重视农地资源保护,加大农业生产要素投资,积极培育农业接班人,采取了依靠高补贴和高关税保障主粮自给的流通政策,建立了适宜的粮食储备,并积极倡导营养健康的饮食习惯。以日韩为鉴,我国应扎实做好主粮保障工作,做到谷物基本自给,口粮绝对安全;深入贯彻"藏粮于地、藏粮于技"粮食安全战略,以"长牙齿的硬措施"保护耕地资源,加大农业生产要素投资,加快培育新型农业经营主体;调整优化粮食补贴制度,探索实行目标价格政策,充分利用两个市场、两种资源,稳妥推进农业"走出去"的步伐;构建多元主体共同参与的粮食储备格局,提升仓储物流建设现代化水平;引导建立营养健康的膳食结构,大力弘扬节约粮食的消费观念。 In 2020,the COVID-19 epidemic ravaged the world,causing widespread disruption in the food supply chain and rising food prices. The issue of food security has attracted widespread attention from all countries. With the continuous progress of economy and society,food security has already contained four layers of connotation :quantity security,quality security,social security and ecological security. Japan and Republic of Korea in Northeast Asia can basically achieve self-sufficiency in main grains at present,but other foods are still dependent on imports. Their dietary nutrition structure is relatively healthy and ecological agriculture has made some progress,but there are still some disharmonious factors in food micro distribution.In order to ensure food security,Japan and Republic of Korea attach great importance to the protection of agricultural land resources,increase the investment of agricultural production factors,actively cultivate agricultural successors,adopt the circulation policy relying on high subsidies and high tariffs,establish appropriate grain reserves,and actively advocate the healthy and nutritious dietary habits. Taking Japan and Republic of Korea as a lesson,China should do a solid job in guaranteeing staple grains in order to achieve basic self-sufficiency in grains and absolute security in grain rations. We will fully implement the food security strategy of "storing grain in the land and technology",protect arable land resources with hard measures,increase investment in agricultural production factors and accelerate to cultivate new agricultural management entities. In addition,we should improve the grain subsidy system,explore the implementation of a target price policy,make full use of the two markets and two types of resources and steadily push forward the pace of overseas investment in agriculture. We should construct the grain reserve pattern with the participation of multiple subjects and enhance the modernization level of warehousing and logistic facilities. Finally,we have to guide the establishment of a nutritious and healthy dietary structure and promote the consumption attitudes of saving grain vigorously.
作者 姚毓春 夏宇 YAO Yu-chun;XIA Yu
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期83-98,128,共17页 Northeast Asia Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(18BJL091)。
关键词 日本 韩国 粮食安全 粮食生产 粮食流通 粮食储备 粮食消费 Japan Republic of Korea Food Security Food Production Food Circulation Food Storage Food Consumption
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