
新疆吉仁台沟口遗址地貌背景与遗址形成过程 被引量:13

Geomorphological background and formation process of the Goukou site in Jirentai,Xinjiang
摘要 2018年全国十大考古新发现"的新疆尼勒克吉仁台沟口遗址,不仅发现了规格较高、保存完整的青铜时代为主体的聚落遗址,更发现了世界上迄今为止最早使用煤炭的遗迹。遗址区的地貌背景和堆积物年代框架有利于我们进一步理清遗址的考古学意义,为此文章对遗址区进行了野外地貌考察,对该区阶地堆积物和黄土进行了粒度分析和光释光测年,得出了如下结论:流经遗址区的喀什河在遗址区发育了4级基座阶地(T1、T2、T3和T4),阶地上堆积物的光释光年代指示它们的形成时间分别是≥2.4 ka、≥14 ka、约60 ka和≥75 ka。除构造活动因素外,这些阶地的形成和阶地堆积物的堆积主要与气候有关,阶地的拔河高度和形成年代指示喀什河的平均下切速率逐渐加快。遗址所在的第三级阶地在基座上堆积厚层砾石,在其形成后堆积了黄土,黄土的来源主要是附近喀什河和伊犁河两岸阶地上的河流堆积物以及下游冲洪积物,遗址区在32.1~30.0 ka期间黄土堆积速率为0.12 mm/a,全新世晚期堆积速率为0.14~0.21 mm/a。古人最早可能在4.5 ka时就在该区活动,在3.6 ka至3.0 ka的某一时段,古人在第三级阶地黄土地面上生活和进行生产活动,并使当时地表30~20 ka(厚约1.2 m)的黄土地层发生了扰动,随后遗址被废弃。遗址区1.9 ka以来的地层可能未受扰动,古人活动遗迹被后期的黄土堆积埋藏并被保存;遗址区坡积物不发育,未受洪水或山洪影响,遗址区地貌环境相对稳定,古人生活时的原始地貌保留至今。 The Goukou site(43°51'18″N,82°47'0.15″E)of Jirentai is located at the Chaleger village,Nileke County in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China.Geomorphologically,the site is situated on the north bank(terrace)of the Kashi river(a tributary of the Yili River)in a valley.The site is well known as one of the"Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries in China in 2018".It is characterized by a relatively high-standard,well-preserved Bronze Age settlement,and the earliest record for that people used coal in the world.The geological setting and evolution of the site area,and chronology of the sediments in the area is very important to understand its archaeological significance.In this study,detailed field investigations,particle-size analysis,end-member modelling of the particle-size data and luminescence dating of sedimentary samples from the site and fluvial terraces have been performed.The following conclusions can be drawn.(1)Four strath terraces(from lowest to highest,they are named T1,T2,T3 and T4)of the Kashi river running through the site area are identified.The terrace deposits are composed of channel deposits composed of thin channel gravels and sand,floodplain fine sand and silt and loess.it is noted that the floodplain sediments,characterized by horizontal bedding,are different from the loess in grain-size distribution.The luminescence ages of the terrace deposits imply that the formation ages of the terraces are≥2.4 ka、≥14 ka for T2、ca.60 ka and≥75 ka for the T1,T2,T3 and T4 terraces,respectively.The terrace formation and the accumulation of the terrace sediments are associated with local climate change,besides the factor of tectonic activities.The river incision rates based on the elevations above modern channel level and the ages of the terraces indicate that the river incision rate increases with time.(2)The T3 terrace on which the site located has a thick gravel layer mantled on bedrock.After the T3 terrace was formed,loess was accumulated.The ancient people lived on the loess ground.Base on the end-member modelling,the loess can be divided into three components(end-members,EM1,EM2 and EM3).EM1 with mean grain size of 1.2μm is considered to be deposited from long distance transportation.EM2 with mean grain size of 7.0μm was deduced to be associated with atmospheric dust produced by surface winds.EM3 with mean grain size of 30.4μm is the main component,and represent the dusts produced by storm events.EM3 sources are primarily the local fluvial and alluvial sediments of the Kashi and Yili rivers.The accumulation rate of loess was calculated to be 0.12 mm/a for the period of 32.1 ka to 30.0 ka,and 0.14~0.21 mm/a during the late Holocene.(3)Ancient people might begin to live in this area as early as 4500 years ago.During an interval between 3600 and 3000 years,people lived here and built house on the loess surface of the T3 terrace,and production activities were carried out,the current site was formed.The surface loess at that time with a thickness of about 1.2 m(corresponding to the period of 30 ka to 20 ka)was disturbed by human activities.Afterwards,the site was abandoned,and archaeological remains were buried.The stratigraphic integrity of the loess deposits with the age of about 1.9 ka and less slopewash deposits indicates that the site has not been affected by foods,the local geological setting has been stable and remains unchanged.In addition,the coarse-grained(>63μm)quartz from the studied samples is not suitable for luminescence dating due to dim luminescence signals and very low sensitivity and dim.The fine-grained(4~11μm)quartz exhibited bright and high sensitivity,and its OSL signals are dominated by fast component,indicating that this size quartz is suitable for luminescence dating using the single-aliquot regeneration dose protocol.
作者 张云鹏 张家富 阮秋荣 王永强 韩建业 张俊娜 雷华蕊 郭玉杰 周力平 ZHANG Yunpeng;ZHANG Jiafu;RUAN Qiurong;WANG Yongqiang;HAN Jianye;ZHANG Junna;LEI Huarui;GUO Yujie;ZHOU Liping(Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes,Ministry of Education,College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871;Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Vrümqi 830011,Xinjiang;Department of Archaeology and Museology,School of History,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872;Department of History,Culture and Museums,College of Applied Arts and Sciences,Beijing Union University,Beijing 100191;Luminescence Analysis Laboratory,Analysis and Testing Center,College of History and Culture,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang 050024,Hebei)
出处 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1376-1393,共18页 Quaternary Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41771004)资助。
关键词 吉仁台遗址 河流阶地 粒度分析 光释光测年 地貌背景 遗址形成过程 Jirentai archaeological site fluvial terraces particle-size analysis optical dating geomorphological setting site formation process
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