巨梁沱遗址是重庆2017年度"后三峡考古"项目发掘的一处史前石器工场,位于重庆市长寿区江南镇龙山村,分布在长江南岸的一处二级台地之上。地层堆积分为4层,其中第③层为砾石及石制品堆积层;第④层为浅黄色沙土层,测年结果(年代校正(95.4%概率)11315~11202 cal.a B.P.)表明为旧石器时代晚期。啮齿类遗存出自第④层,鉴定为3科8属8种:松鼠科的柏氏长吻松鼠Dremomys pernyi和隐纹花松鼠Tamiops swinhoei、鼯鼠科的毛耳飞鼠Belomys pearsonii、红白鼯鼠Petaurista alborufus、沟牙鼯鼠Aeretes melanopterus、黑白飞鼠Hylopetes alboniger和小飞鼠Pteromys volans,鼠科的爱氏巨鼠Leopoldamys edwardsi。这批鼯鼠科及松鼠科材料是三峡地区旧石器晚期考古实践此前未有的发现,为相关鉴定与研究工作积累了较重要的参考资料。骨骼表面的切割痕迹与烧灼痕迹表明史前居民已经形成了较成熟的啮齿类资源开发利用策略,根据不同啮齿类的特性或是利用鼯鼠皮毛,或是食用鼠肉,这为探索三峡地区旧石器晚期以来的广谱化狩猎生计演变过程提供了重要线索。啮齿类动物群反映了一种以热湿为主,兼有寒湿/温湿因素的复杂气候环境。
Juliangtuo Site,unearthed in Chongqing 2017 Post-archaeological Excavating Project of the Three Gorges,is located at Longshan Village(29°47'03″N,107°04'56″E;165~183 m above sea level),Jiangnan Town,Changshou District of Chongqing,China,on a secondary terrace of the south bank of Changjiang River.Its archaeological depositions can be divided into four layers:Layer No.3 was composed of a great quantity of human-selected gravels and stone artifacts,inferred to be a prehistoric workshop for stone artifacts,formed in the early period of Neolithic age;Layer No.4 was a light yellow sand accumulation,which calibrated date(95.4%possibility)of AMS 14C analysis was 11315~11202 cal.a B.P.,inferred to be late period of Paleolithic age.Rodents materials studied in this article were collected from Layer No.4,accompanied with human-modified shells,fish and other mammal bones,identified to be 8 species of 8 genera of 3 families:Dremomys pernyi and Tamiops swinhoei of Sciuridae,Belomys pearsonii,Petaurista alborufus,Aeretes melanopterus,Hylopetes alboniger and Pteromys volans of Petauristidae and Leopoldamys edwardsi of Muridae.These remains were the latest discovery in the late Paleolithic archaeological practice in the Three Georges area,providing fresh record for rodents identification and related research.Comparison with current species from Kunming Institute of Zoology of CAS,Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Chongqing Natural History Museum and fossil records from Chongqing or adjacent areas confirmed the morphologic features of these rodents:Lower m1 and m2 of Dremomys pernyi developed weak mesostylid,smooth talonlid basin and no mesoconid.Lower m1 and m2 of Tamiops swinhoei had developed entoconid and mesostylid and small mesoconid.The teeth of Belomys pearsonii were highly complicated however with very small sizes.The teeth of Petaurista alborufus were similar with the ones of Petaurista xanthotis,however,which were much larger and had no fine stripes on the sides of crowns.Lower teeth of Aeretes melanopterus showed moderate mesostylid and mesoconid and developed metastylid.Talonid basin of Hylopetes alboniger had distinctive dot texture.Lower m1 and m2 of Pteromys volans were very small,bearing developed mesoconid and weak mesostylid and broad smooth talonid basin.The teeth of Leopoldamys edwardsi were enlarged version of the ones of Niviventer species.The measurements of rodents from Juliangtuo did not show significant difference from those of current species.Surface modification marks on the bones of rodents indicated that prehistoric residents had developed some mature exploitation strategy upon rodent resource.One way was to utilize the fur of flying squirrels.Human-originated cutting marks were identified on the lower lingual surface of a maxilla of Aeretes melanopterus,proving skinning operation for fur.Another way was to consume rodent-meat.Maxilla bearing cutting marks and post-cranial bones bearing burned modifications of Leopoldamys edwardsi were found,indicating that these giant rodents had been captured,prepared and roasted for meat consumption.Such behavior of rodent-meat consumption has been confirmed with reliable evidence for the first time in the late Paleolithic archaeological practice in the Three Gorges area,which had reference value to explore the evolution of Broad Spectrum Hunting Subsistence in this area.Rodent fauna from Juliangtuo,composed of 5 species suitable for hot-humid climate(Petaurista alborufus,Dremomys pernyi,Leopoldamys edwardsi,Belomys pearsonii and Hylopetes alboniger)and 3 species suitable for cold-humid and warm-humid ones(Pteromys volans,Aeretes melanopterus and Tamiops swinhoei),indicated a complicated climate environment,dominated with hot-humid factors,however,imbedded with cold-humid and warm-humid factors,perhaps coming from adjacent mountain area with relatively higher altitude.
WANG Yunfu;LIU Min;YANG Hua;LI Dadi(Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331;Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute,Chongqing 400013)
Quaternary Sciences
Juliangtuo Site
broad spectrum revolution
hunting subsistence