
职普比“大体相当”:有无可接受的底线值——来自“三州”地区的调查 被引量:4

What’s the Lowest Value of the Student Ratio Between Vocational and General Schools
摘要 近年来职普比逐年下降是不争的事实,围绕职普比大体相当的争论其背后隐含的是企业、社会、国家对中等职业技能人才的社会需求与学生、家长对中职教育的个人需求之间的矛盾问题,两者目前并不能很好地平衡。对职普比大体相当政策的执行能否找到一个底线值,从降低中职教育个人需求与社会需求的矛盾出发,是可以从学生、家长这端做些工作的,如果能找到学生、家长从心理接受职普比大体相对执行比例的一个最大公约数,如大多数(三分之二及以上)人都能接受的一个比例值,则以此为职普比大体相当政策执行的底线值是可行的。提升职普比从源头上来讲就是要提升学生、家长对中职的升学需求,这可以从初三学生对中职的升学意愿出发,提高其中职升学意愿,并采取各种政策激励措施确保稳固这种升学意愿,并将其转化为稳定的中职招生数,通过提高技能技工人才的工资待遇,使中职毕业生更好找工作,提高中职学校教学质量及实训水平,提高学校管理水平等措施,以吸引更多初中生升中职从而提升职普比。本研究以"三州"地区21531名初三学生及15428名家长的调查为基础,试图为上述问题寻找一个切实可行的答案,以期对贫困地区及全国的职教发展提供启示。 In recent years,it is an indisputable fact that the student ratio between vocational and general schools has declined year by year,and the downward trend has not stopped. The contradiction between the social needs of enterprises,society and the state and the individual needs of students and parents needs for secondary vocational education is implicit in the general debate around the student ratio between vocational and general schools,which can not be well balanced at present. In order to reduce the contradiction between individual needs and social needs of vocational education,we can do some work from the point of view of students and parents. If we can find a maximum common denominator of students and parents’ psychological acceptance of the general relative implementation ratio,such as a proportion acceptable to the vast majority(2/3 and above),it is feasible to take this as the bottom line of the student ratio between vocational and general schools policy implementation. From the source,it is necessary to raise the demand of students and parents for secondary vocational education,which can start from the junior middle students’ willingness to go to secondary vocational school,and adopt various policy incentives to ensure the stability of this willingness to go to secondary vocational school. And turn it into a stable number of secondary vocational students,and by improving the salary of skilled technicians,the secondary vocational school graduates can find a better job,improve the teaching quality and practical training level of secondary vocational schools,improve school management and other measures can attract more junior high school students to secondary vocational school. Based on the survey of 21531 junior middle students and 15428 parents in the"three autonomous prefecture"area,this study tries to find a practical answer to the above questions. The conclusions are instructive to the poor areas and the whole country,and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.
作者 沈有禄 曾新 Shen Youlu;Zeng Xin(Faculty of Education,Hainan Normal University,Haikou 571158;Editorial Board of Journal of Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079)
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第13期72-80,共9页 Research in Educational Development
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“‘三州’地区高中普及攻坚与普职协调发展研究”(18BMZ076)的部分成果。
关键词 职普比 大体相当 底线值 中职升学意愿 “三州”地区 the student ratio between vocational and general schools approximately the same bottom value willingness to secondary vocational schools "three autonomous prefecture"area
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