

On Liu Yin’s Idea of “Relaxing in the Study of Cultural Arts” and Literary Thoughts
摘要 元初理学家刘因不仅于义理之学有所自得,且致力于游艺之事,诗文创作外,在书画琴棋等方面均有高深造诣。他不仅明确提出了"艺是小学工夫"的理念,而且首次将作为今人之"艺"的诗文书画与古人的"六艺"之教对接起来,进一步提升了文艺在道学事业中的地位。在"游艺"实践中,他将"观物"思想与格物致知精神贯彻沦浃其间;而且将自己的归隐情志安放于艺术世界,表现出"适意玩情"的游艺态度。形神兼备的绘画观念和尚古的书学取向是刘因文艺美学的集中体现,但其终极旨趣却指向同一妙境——"天"。在致事理之广大而尽艺术之精微的努力中,刘因理学家的身份意识与文艺家的艺术素养得以淋漓尽致地展现。可见,元代理学家更为热情地接纳文艺,在诗文书画游艺中也留下了大量的优秀作品和理论主张,更为深入地向文艺领域输入理学的思维方式与价值理念,从而影响着元代文艺思潮走向。所以,书画游艺之学理应被纳入理学"流而为文"现象的考察视域。 Liu Yin(1249—1293), a Neo-Confucian scholar in the early Yuan dynasty, had achievements not only in the Neo Confucianism, but also in literature, calligraphy, painting, zither and chess. He proposed the concept that “arts are fundamental practices”, and for the first time compared literature and arts to the “six arts” in the ancient times, enhancing the status of arts in Neo-Confucianism. In his practice of cultural arts, Liu connected the thought of “observing things” with the spirit of “acquiring knowledge through observations of things”. Furthermore, he expressed a desire for secluded life in the artistic world, showing a relaxed attitude towards art. He thought that painting should unite form and spirit, and calligraphy should follow the example of the ancients. While these embodied Liu Yin’s artistic aesthetics, his ultimate purport pointed to “naturalness”. Liu Yin’s consciousness of his identity as a Neo-Confucian scholar and an artist was clearly displayed through his efforts to investigate things and to relax in arts. It can be seen that the Neo-Confucian scholars in the Yuan dynasty were more enthusiastic about literature and art. As a result, a large number of literary and artistic works and theories were reserved. They inculcated the field of literature and art with Neo-Confucian way of thought and value more deeply, influencing the trend of literary and artistic thought in the Yuan dynasty. Therefore, painting and calligraphy should be included in the explorations of the Neo-Confucian phenomenon of “flowing into literature”.
作者 杨万里 Yang Wanli(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Shanxi University,92 Wucheng Road,Taiyuan 030006,Shanxi Province,China)
机构地区 山西大学文学院
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期59-69,共11页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“宋明理学家‘游艺’之学与文艺思想研究”[项目编号:17CZW021]的阶段性成果。
关键词 刘因 游艺 题画诗 文艺思想 流而为文 Liu Yin relaxing in cultural arts poems inscribed on paintings literary and artistic thought flowing into literature
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