

“Asked of Everyone as if a Duty”:On Immanuel Kant’s Question about the Idea of a Common Sense
摘要 "出于什么品味判断中的感受如同义务一样被强求于每个人",这是康德在《判断力批判》第40节末尾的提问。对这个提问的理解,涉及"品味判断的演绎"的两个表面上不相关的部分(第31至第40节和第41至42节)的关系的理解。学界针对这两部分的关系和后一部分的阐释虽曾提出了许多不同的方案,但由于康德这一提问的困难度,至今未取得一致。要解决这一困难就必须回到康德提问的文本语境当中,首先区分品味判断中的感受的必然性的可能性和该必然性的现实性,并以此为基础澄清康德提出这一问题的必要性,由此进入第41和第42节,以考察康德在这两节所提出的两种可能的回答,并解释为何康德认为是第42节的回答(合道德性)而非第41节的回答(人的合群)能解决其提出的问题。 “Whence the feeling in the judgment of taste is asked of everyone as if a duty”is a question that Kant asked at the end of Section 40 of Critique of Judgment.The answer to this question is related to one’s understanding of the relationship between two parts that are ostensibly irrelevant,Sections 31-40 and Sections 41-42 of“Deduction of Judgments of Taste”.Although scholars raised numerous explanations to unite these two parts and to interpret the latter part,they have not reached an agreement due to the difficulty in understanding Kant’s question.In order to solve this problem,it is necessary to return to the original context of Kant,and to clarify the necessity of the question on account of the distinction between the possibility of the necessity of the feeling in the judgment of taste and its actuality.Through new understanding of this question,we can then revisit Sections 41-42 and investigate the two possible answers Kant raised,explaining that Kant’s solution to this problem is“morality”in Section 42 rather than“sociability”in Section 41.
作者 陈辰 Chen Chen(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,East China Normal University,500 Dongchuan Road,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期117-128,共12页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划青年课题“鲍姆加登《美学》文本细读及影响史研究”[项目编号:2020EWY011]的阶段性成果。
关键词 康德 演绎 共同感 美者上的利益 合道德性 Immanuel Kant deduction common sense interest in the beautiful morality
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