
新见法藏敦煌出土西夏文献考释 被引量:2

Research and Interpretation of Newly Discovered Tangut Manuscripts in the French Collection of Dunhuang Documents
摘要 法国国家图书馆官网公布了27件西夏文文献,它们是伯希和从敦煌莫高窟北区发掘而为《法藏敦煌西夏文文献》漏刊的材料。这27件文献中有17件可以给出准确的定名,有4件可据内容给出初步拟题,另有6件因残存字数太少,尚无法辨识。这些材料虽然多是些残叶、残片,但也有其他藏卷中未曾见过的孤本文献,更有多种新见校译本,同时还有一定的缀合及补缺价值。这批材料的编号不符合馆藏编号原则,出土洞窟也不明确,存在一定的问题,通过与《法藏敦煌西夏文文献》部分材料的缀合与比较,其编号和出土洞窟是可以部分解决的。 The National Library of France recently published twenty-seven manuscripts written in Tangut script on its official website that were unearthed from the Northern area caves at the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes by Pelliot, but which were not included in the French Collection of Tangut Manuscripts from Dunhuang. Of these manuscripts, seventeen can be accurately identified and four can be given preliminary titles based on their contents, while the other six must remain unidentified because only a few words of their text have been preserved to the present day. Though most of these manuscripts are fragmental, they do contain some text that is not included in other collections of Dunhuang documents and much of the translation content used for proofreading found in the documents is entirely new. For this reason, these documents are extremely helpful for supplementing and splicing together similar Dunhuang documents. Some issues remain, however;for example, the serial numbers on these documents do not conform to the system of numbering generally used for such collections, and it is unknown which cave contained the documents. By splicing and comparing the text of these fragments with that of other documents from the French Collection of Tangut Manuscripts from Dunhuang, this research resolves some of the issues raised by the discovery of these manuscripts.
作者 段玉泉 马万梅 DUAN Yuquan;MA Wanmei(Institute of the Western Xia Studies,Ningxia University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021)
出处 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期42-49,共8页 Dunhuang Research
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“出土西夏字书整理研究及语料库建设”(19ZDA202)。
关键词 法国国家图书馆 西夏文献 定名 校译本 编号 Northern area at Mogao National Library of France Tangut manuscripts identification proofreading translation version serial number
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