
膜下滴灌追肥时期对花生干物质及氮素积累和产量的影响 被引量:4

Effects of Different Fertigation Period and Times on Dry Matter and Nitrogen Accumulation and Yield of Peanut under Film Mulching
摘要 为确定膜下滴灌适宜的追肥时期和追肥次数,以花生品种青花7号为供试材料,以不灌水不追肥作为对照,在总施肥量相同的前提下,设置7种追肥方式,研究膜下滴灌追肥时期和追肥次数对花生干物质及氮素积累和产量的影响。结果表明:不同时期追肥较对照均能增加花生营养和生殖器官干物质积累、含氮量、氮积累量、荚果和籽仁产量。以花针期+结荚期配合追肥效果最好,花针期次之,饱果期追肥效果最差。其中,生育期间只追1次肥,增加花生营养和生殖器官干物质积累、含氮量、氮积累量、荚果和籽仁产量的表现为花针期追肥效果最好,其次为结荚期,饱果期效果最差。生育期间追2次肥,增加营养和生殖器官干物质积累、含氮量、氮积累量、荚果和籽仁产量则以花针期+结荚期追肥效果最好,花针期+饱果期追肥效果次之,结荚期+饱果期追肥效果最差。分次追肥效果较1次追肥效果好,但生育期间追3次肥的效果不是最好的。与对照相比,花针期+结荚期追肥在所有处理中对花生生长及氮素积累和产量形成的促进效果为最优。说明追肥时期早、前期追肥量大和分次追肥有利于促进花生生长和氮素吸收积累,从而提高荚果和籽仁产量。在本试验条件下,研究认为花针期+结荚期的追肥方式更适用于花生生产。 In order to determine the suitable topdressing period and times of drip irrigation under plastic film,the effects of topdressing period and times of drip irrigation under plastic film on dry matter and nitrogen accumulation and yield of peanut variety Qinghua7 were analyzed.Treatment without irrigation and topdressing was taken as control(CK).Compared with CK,topdressing at dif-ferent stages significantly increased peanut nutrition,dry matter accumulation in reproductive organs,nitrogen content,nitrogen accumulation,as well as pod and kernel yield.Additionally,the effect of topdressing was the best at joint of flowering-pegging+pod-bearing stages,followed by flowering-pegging stage,and the worst effect was found at pod-filling stage.Single application of topdressing showed the best effect on dry matter accumulation,nitrogen content,nitrogen accumulation,and yield at flowering-pegging stage,followed by pod-bearing stage,and the worst effect was at pod-fill-ing stage.Twice application of topdressing significantly increased the dry matter accumulation,nitro-gen content,nitrogen accumulation,pod and kernel yield of the vegetative and reproductive organs,and the effect of applying fertilizer at flowering-pegging+pod-bearing stages showed to be the best effect,followed by that at flowering-pegging+pod-filling stages,and the effect of applying fertilizer at pod-bearing+pod-filling stages showed to be the worst combination.The results demonstrated that the effect of multiple topdressing was better than that of single topdressing.However,the effect of topdressing for three times during the whole growth period did not perform the best.Compared with the control,the top dressing at flowering-pegging and pod-bearing stages showed the best effects on peanut growth,nitrogen accumulation,and yield formation.The results indicated that early topdress-ing,large amount of topdressing and multiple topdressing were beneficial to promote peanut growth as well as the absorption and accumulation of nitrogen,and consequently increased pod and kernel yield.In summary,it is recommended that top dressing at the flowering-pegging+pod-bearing stages be applied to peanut production under the condition of this experiment.
作者 王晓颖 周宇浩 邹晓霞 张晓军 于晓娜 王月福 司彤 WANG Xiao-ying;ZHOU Yu-hao;ZOU Xiao-xia;ZHANG Xiao-jun;YU Xiao-na;WANG Yue-fu;SI Tong(College of Agronomy,Qingdao Agricultural University/Shandong Key Lab.of Dry Farming Techniques,Qingdao 266109,China)
出处 《花生学报》 北大核心 2021年第3期40-46,共7页 Journal of Peanut Science
基金 山东省花生现代产业技术体系(SDAIT04-05) 山东省良种工程项目(2020LZGC001)。
关键词 花生 追肥时期 干物质积累 氮素积累 产量 peanut topdressing period dry matter accumulation nitrogen accumulation yield
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