
小额贷款公司支农效果分析--以广东省为例 被引量:1

Analysis on the Effect of Small Loan Companies in Supporting Agriculture--Take Guangdong Province as an Example
摘要 近几年来普惠金融不断发展,广东省的大部分县市均实施了农村金融改革,出台一系列政策鼓励小额贷款公司的贷款流向“三农”。经过10年的发展,小额贷款公司为“三农”发展做出了重要贡献。本文通过灰色关联分析,发现广东省小额贷款公司的发展对农业及农村居民收入有显著影响。政府应大力规范发展小额贷款公司,解决小额贷款公司在发展中遇到的瓶颈,为“三农”发展提供更多的融资服务。 Inclusive finance has continued to develop in recent years.Most counties and cities in Guangdong Province have implemented rural financial reforms,and issued a series of policies to encourage microfinance companies'loans to flow to“agriculture,rural areas and farmers”.After 10 years of development,microfinance companies have made important contributions to the development of“agriculture,rural areas and farmers”.This paper uses grey relational analysis to find that the development of microfinance companies in Guangdong Province has a significant impact on agriculture and rural residents’income.The government should vigorously regulate the development of small loan companies,solve the bottlenecks encountered by small loan companies in their development,and provide more financing services for the development of“agriculture,rural areas and farmers”.
作者 刘慧 徐兰 LIU Hui;XU Lan(School of Foreign Languages and Economics and Trade,Qingyuan Vocational and Technical College,Qingyuan,Guangdong 511510;Department of Logistics Engineering,Dongguan Vocational and Technical College,Dongguan,Guangdong 523808)
出处 《江苏商论》 2021年第10期65-70,共6页 Jiangsu Commercial Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目“混合所有制企业中的非控股股东利益侵占行为及治理研究”(19BGL057) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:工业4.0背景下深化产教融合的职业教育人才培养模式创新研究——以物流管理为例,项目编号:20YJC880109。
关键词 小额贷款 发展 三农 microloans development agriculture,rural areas and farmers
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