

Rediscussion of Redology and Benevolence:An Analysis Based on the Empathy of Benevolence
摘要 《红楼梦》受儒家文化影响颇深,作为儒学核心理念之仁学,对于曹雪芹创作《红楼梦》更是有多方之启迪。脂砚斋评贾宝玉“一生心性,只不过是体贴二字”,“体贴”之情与儒学“仁者爱人”并无二致。曹雪芹基于仁学之感通特性,以文学家之生花妙笔,将儒学较为抽象之概念融入日用伦常的生活细节之中,具体展示了宝玉体贴之心性与仁学之感通特性之间的思想联系,赋予仁学更为丰富细腻的情感内涵。曹雪芹还进一步探讨了仁学丧失感通特性、体贴之心难以推扩的三重原因,即财势悬殊导致的情感阻隔,情有所偏导致的人有所怨,以及忿懥之心催生的残忍之行,这在贾赦、贾环诸人之行为中均有具体展示。曹雪芹之“体贴”与孟子所言之“恻隐”、王阳明所言之“良知”,实则同出而异名,均渊源于孔子仁学,并且曹雪芹对仁爱闭塞原因的剖析较之先前儒者更为细密,对人性基本欲求的肯定也比先前儒者更为宽容,可以说是对儒家仁学思想的进一步发展。尽管曹雪芹无意与儒家学者在理论上一较高下,然而《红楼梦》一书的理论探索确实也达到了儒家学者未曾拓展过的边界。 A Dream of Red Mansions is deeply influenced by Confucian culture.As the core concept of Confucianism,benevolence has inspired Cao Xueqin’s creation of A Dream of Red Mansions.Zhi Yan⁃zhai’s comment on Jia Baoyu’s is just the word“consideration”,which is the same as Confucianism’s be⁃nevolence.Cao Xueqin,based on the sentimental characteristics of benevolence,combined the more ab⁃stract concepts of Confucianism with the details of daily life with the ingenious pen of a litterateur,and spe⁃cifically showed the ideological connection between Baoyu’s considerate mind and the sentimental charac⁃teristics of benevolence,giving benevolence richer and more delicate emotional connotation.Cao Xueqin al⁃so further discussed the three reasons for the loss of empathy and the difficulty in expanding the caring heart of benevolence,that is,the emotional barrier caused by the great disparity of wealth,the resentment caused by the partial affection,and the cruel behavior promoted by the resentful heart.These behaviors are specifically displayed in Jia She and Jia Huan’s behavior.In fact,Cao Xueqin’s“consideration”and Men⁃cius’s“compassion”and Wang Yangming’s“conscience”have the same root but different names.They all originate from Confucius’benevolence.Moreover,Cao Xueqin’s analysis of the reasons for the occlusion of benevolence is more detailed than that of the previous Confucians,and his affirmation of the basic hu⁃man desire is more tolerant than that of the previous Confucians.So it can be said that it is a further develop⁃ment of Confucian benevolence.Although Cao Xueqin has no intention to compete with Confucian scholars in theory,the theoretical exploration of A Dream of Red Mansions does have a boundary that Confucian scholars have never expanded.
作者 赵永刚 ZHAO Yonggang(School of Literature and Media,Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025,China)
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2021年第5期81-89,共9页 Journal Of Jilin Normal University:Humanities & Social Science Edition
关键词 《红楼梦》 仁学 体贴 感通 儒学 A Dream of Red Mansions Benevolence Consideration Empathy Confucianism
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