
激励、动态与协同:我国产教融合型企业构建的应然思考——基于英国企业参与现代学徒制的经验 被引量:9

Incentives,Dynamics and Collaboration:a Study on the Construction of Industry-Education Integrated Enterprises in China——Based on the Experience of British Enterprises Participating in Modern Apprenticeship
摘要 产教融合型企业是我国职业教育深入推进产教融合、校企合作的重要抓手。英国现代学徒制改革中关于企业参与学徒培训的激励与保障举措,对我国产教融合型企业的构建具有诸多启发。通过对英国企业参与现代学徒制的历史回顾、激励制度以及支持系统的探究,展现英国企业参与现代学徒制的实然样态。参照分析我国产教融合型企业存在的差异化认证机制有待完善、过程管理缺乏必要的灵活性、外部支持缺乏协同的系统性等现实"短板",提出应从建立产教融合型企业的"梯级"认证与激励体系、构建经费投入动态调控机制、协同完善长效保障机制等方面,促进我国产教融合型企业的构建和可持续发展。 Industry-education integrated enterprises are an important starting point for China's vocational education to further promote integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities and school-enterprise cooperation.The incentive and guarantee measures for enterprises to participate in apprenticeship training in the modern apprenticeship reform in the UK have many inspirations.Through reviewing the history,incentive system and support system of the participation of British enterprises in the modern apprenticeship,this paper presents the reality of the participation of British enterprises in the modern apprenticeship.Furthermore,this paper analyzes the shortcomings of China's industry-education integrated enterprises,namely the lack of necessary flexibility in process management,and the lack of synergy and systematic coordination in the external support.In order to promote the construction and sustainable development of China's education integration enterprises,it is proposed to establish the"cascade"certification and incentive system,construct a dynamic adjustment mechanism for funding investment,and improve the cooperative long-term guarantee mechanism.
作者 王志远 WANG Zhiyuan(Southwest University,Chongqing 400715)
出处 《当代职业教育》 2021年第5期11-18,共8页 Contemporary Vocational Education
基金 2019年全国教育科学“十三五”规划一般项目“企业作为职业教育重要办学主体的发展变迁与制度重构研究”(编号:XJA190287)。
关键词 产教融合型企业 英国现代学徒制 企业主导 产教融合 校企合作 industry-education integrated enterprises modern apprenticeship in the UK enterprise-led integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities school-enterprise cooperation
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