
英国学校运动会计划的竞赛体系、理念及启示 被引量:3

Competition System,Idea and Enlightenment of School Games Program in Britain
摘要 运用文献研究法,对英国学校运动会计划的发展历程、运行机制及教育理念进行梳理,以期为我国学校体育的理论与实践发展提供借鉴。研究发现:英国学校体育强调精英体育与大众体育的和谐发展,同时突出竞技体育文化在学校的核心地位;学校运动会计划以包容、协调、合作为主要特征,以四级竞赛体系为核心,充分调动社会资源,做到了全员参与体育运动,并勾勒出家庭、学校及社区协同促进青少年体育参与的机制,形成了由政府监控、社会组织的青少年体育发展模式,并始终把对青少年的身心教育作为最终目的。建议:现阶段我国的学校体育发展应从布局上突出地域与传统特色;从制度上完善学校、家庭与社区的协同作用;从政策上加强社区非营利性体育组织的培育。 Using the literature research method,this paper combs the development process,operation mechanism and education concept of the school games program in British,so as to provide references for the theory and practice of school sports in China.The results show that British school sports emphasize the harmonious development between the elite and the masses sports,and highlight the core position of competitive sports culture in schools.The school games program is characterized by inclusiveness,coordination and cooperation with the four level competition system as the core,fully mobilizes social resources,achieves full participation in sports,outlines a mechanism for families,schools,and communities to promote youth sports participation,forms a youth sports development model monitored by the government and organized by social organizations,and regards the physical and mental education of young people as the ultimate goal.It is suggested that at present,the development of school sports in China should highlight the regional and traditional characteristics in terms of the layout,improve the synergistic effect of schools,families and communities in terms of the system,and strengthen the cultivation of community non-profit sports organizations in terms of the policy.
作者 周华锋 周婉峰 ZHOU Hua-feng;ZHOU Wan-feng(Department of Physical Education,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510642,China)
出处 《体育研究与教育》 2021年第4期42-48,共7页 Sports Research and Education
基金 广东省教育厅2017年重点平台及科研项目(人文社科类)(2017WZDXM002)。
关键词 学校体育 学校运动会计划 大众与竞技 合作 非营利性体育组织 school sports school games program masses and competitiveness cooperation non-profit sports organizations
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