
基于WHO基本药物标准清单(21版)分析本院抗菌药物品种配备合理性 被引量:2

Rationality of antibacterial stock based on the WHO list of essential medicines(21st Edition)
摘要 目的比较WHO基本药物标准清单(21版)[以下简称WHO-EML(21版)]与本院药品供应目录中抗菌药物的差异,分析本院药品供应目录中抗菌药物品种配备合理性。方法对两个目录中抗菌药物的药品分类、种类、剂型、品规及药品分级进行比较,探讨本院抗菌药物目录的合理性。结果除多黏菌素类外,本院药品供应目录配备了WHO-EML(21版)目录中所有的抗菌药物类别,还配备了其没有的头霉素类以及单环β-内酰胺类。本院抗菌药物共54个品种,WHO-EML(21版)共46个品种,共有品种30个(65.22%)。WHO-EML(21版)有10种剂型,以口服药为主;本院目录有9种剂型,以注射剂为主。WHO-EML(21版)将其目录内抗菌药物分为access(可用)、watch(慎用)和reserve(备用)三级。本院抗菌药物则按照“非限制使用级”“限制使用级”和“特殊使用级”3级分级管理。两目录共有的品种,分级一致的仅为14种。结论本院抗菌药物品种配备较为合理,但是剂型尚需要进一步优化。 Objective To analyze the rationality of antibacterial stock in our hospital by referring to WHO list of essential medicines(21st Edition)[WHO-EML(21st Edition)].Methods The drug classification,types,dosage forms,product specifications and clinical application of two catalogues were compared to determine the rationality of the antibacterial stock in our hospital.Results Except for polymyxin,the drug supply catalogue in our hospital was equipped with all the listed antibacterials in the WHO-EML(21st Edition)and the cephalosporin and monocyclicβ-lactams which were not in the WHO-EML(21st Edition).There were 54 antibiotics in our hospital.WHO-EML(21st Edition)included 46 antibiotics,30(65.22%)of which were common in the two drug catalogues.WHO-EML(21st Edition)had 10 dosage forms,mainly oral drugs,and our hospital catalogue had 9 dosage forms,mainly injections.According to WHO-EML(21st Edition),antimicrobial agents were divided into three groups:access,watch and reserve.Antibacterial stock in our hospital was managed according to three levels:non restrictive,restrictive and special.Only 14 in the two catalogues shared the same classification.Conclusion The antibacterial stock in our hospital is fairly reasonable,but the dosage forms need optimization.
作者 周艳琴 王静宇 郑春茂 黄晓亮 陈碧 ZHOU Yan-qin;WANG Jing-yu;ZHENG Chun-mao;HUANG Xiao-liang;CHEN Bi(Chenzhou First People’s Hospital,Chenzhou Hunan 423000;Institute of Hospital Management,University of South China,Chenzhou Hunan 423000)
出处 《中南药学》 CAS 2021年第9期1947-1951,共5页 Central South Pharmacy
基金 南华大学医院管理研究所项目(No.2019YYGL21) 2020年郴州市级重点研发及技术创新引导专项项目(No.ZDYF2020129)。
关键词 基本药物标准清单 抗菌药物 品种配备 list of essential medicine antibacterial stock
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