
基于同纬度的城市公园绿地植物多样性比较——以怀化市迎丰公园为例 被引量:7

Comparison of plant diversity in urban park green space based on the same latitude:taking Yingfeng Park of Huaihua as an example
摘要 【目的】研究迎丰公园与同纬度其他城市公园绿地植物群体物种重要值和植物多样性差异,提出优化措施,旨在为怀化市和周边地区城市公园绿地建设与改造提供参考依据。【方法】通过文献综述法,分析与怀化同纬度9个城市的公园绿地植物重要值和物种多样性研究现状;采用典型样地法,调查分析迎丰公园11个植物群体植物重要值和物种多样性。【结果】1)同纬度城市公园绿地植物重要值大多为乔木层落叶植物大于常绿植物,灌木层落叶植物小于常绿植物;常绿乔木与落叶乔木重要值比平均为4∶6,常绿灌木与落叶灌木为7∶3。公园绿地植物种类平均密度为乔木2.7种、灌木2.1种、地被植物5.1种,共9.9种。公园类型不同,乔木、灌木、地被植物物种丰富度和多样性指数值大小不同。2)迎丰公园共记录植物84科168属226种,植物种类比较丰富。常绿乔木与落叶乔木重要值比为7∶3,常绿灌木与落叶灌木为8.7∶1.3,常绿植物重要值明显偏大。公园绿地植物种类平均密度为乔木2种、灌木2种、地被植物2.8种,共6.8种;乔木和地被植物种类数较同纬度城市公园少。植物多样性平均值大多呈现出乔木层>灌木层>地被植物层的特征;乔木的Margalef平均值为1.9153,灌木为1.2844,木本地被植物为0.5576;乔木的Shannon-Weiner平均值为1.4338,灌木为1.4930,木本地被植物为0.8692;乔木和地被植物多样性比同纬度其它城市公园小。乔木的Simpson平均值为0.6597,灌木为0.6930,木本地被植物为0.5175;乔木的Pielou平均值为0.7010,灌木为0.7266,木本地被物为0.6306,木本地被植物优势种过于集中。【结论】迎丰公园植物种类比较丰富,但是与同纬度其它城市公园相比还有差距,如植物配置不科学,植物群体层次结构简单;常绿乔、灌、木本地被植物的重要值比例偏大,常绿植物和落叶植物个体数量比例不合理;地被植物种类单一,长势差,地被层覆盖率低。在公园二期建设中,建议加大落叶乔木、灌木植物的种类和个体数量,丰富地被植物种类。 【Objective】Based on the study of the difference of plant species importance value and plant diversity between Yingfeng park and other urban parks at the same latitude,this paper puts forward the optimization measures to provide reference for the construction and reconstruction of urban park green space in Huaihua city and its surrounding areas.【Method】Through literature review,this paper analyzed the research status of plant importance values and species diversity of urban parks in 9 cities at the same latitude as Huaihua.Plant importance values and species diversity of 11 plant communities in Yingfeng Park were investigated and analyzed by using typical plot method.【Result】1)In other urban parks of the same latitude,the importance of deciduous plants in the tree layer is higher than that of evergreen plants,and that of deciduous plants in the shrub layer is lower than that of evergreen plants.The average important value ratio of evergreen and deciduous trees is 4:6,and that of evergreen and deciduous shrubs is 7:3.The average density of plant species in the park green space is 2.7 of trees,2.1 of shrubs and 5.1 of ground cover,and 9.9 in total.The species richness and diversity index values of arbor,shrub and ground cover are different for different park types.2)There are altogether 84 families 168 genera 226 species of plant in Yingfeng Park,and the plant species are relatively rich.The important value ratio of evergreen trees and deciduous trees is 7:3,and that of evergreen shrubs and deciduous shrubs is 8.7:1.3,indicating that the important value of evergreen plants is obviously larger.The average density of plant species in the park green space is 2 species of trees,2 of shrubs,2.8 of ground cover,and 6.8 in total.The number of trees and ground cover species is less than that of urban parks at the same latitude.The average plant diversity is mainly the characteristics of arbor>shrub>ground cover plants.The average value of Margalef is 1.9153 for trees,1.2844 for shrubs and 0.5576 for woody ground cover plants.The average value of Shannon-Weiner mean is 1.4338 for trees,1.4930 for shrubs and 0.8692 for woody ground cover plants.The diversity of trees and ground cover plants is less than that of other urban parks at the same latitude.The average values of Simpson tree,shrub and woody groundcover are 0.6597,0.6930 and 0.5175.The mean values of Pielou are 0.7010 for trees,0.7266 for shrubs and 0.6306 for woody ground cover plants.The dominant species of woody groundcover are too concentrated.【Conclusion】In Yingfeng Park,the plant species is relatively rich,but there is a gap with other urban parks of the same latitude.The plant configuration is unscientific and the plant community hierarchy is simple.The proportion of important value of evergreen trees and shrubs is too large,and the proportion of individual quantity of evergreen plants and deciduous plants was unreasonable.The species of groundcover is single,the growth is poor,and the coverage rate of groundcover is low.In the construction of the second phase of the park,it is suggested to increase the species and individual quantity of deciduous trees and shrubs,rich species of ground cover plants.
作者 杨英书 胡希军 金晓玲 杨岑 粟德琼 YANG Yingshu;HU Xijun;JIN Xiaoling;YANG Cen;SU Deqiong(College of Landscape Architecture,Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha 410004,Hunan,China;Municipal Facilities Maintenance Department of Huaihua City,Huaihua 418000,Hunan,China;Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,Hunan,China;Huaihua Vocational and Technical College,Huaihua 418000,Hunan,China)
出处 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期188-198,共11页 Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
基金 林业公益性行业科研专项(201404710) 湖南省高等学校“双一流”建设项目资助(湘教通[2018]469号)。
关键词 植物群体 物种多样性 城市公园 怀化 plant population species diversity urban park Huaihua
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