
新媒体环境下公共景观沉浸式体验设计研究 被引量:5

Immersion Experience Design of Public Landscape Under the New Media Environment
摘要 为新媒体技术更好地融入现代景观设计,以沉浸式设计视角分析新媒体技术在景观设计中的应用,提出沉浸式景观空间设计方法与原则,以叙事结构为研究基础,对比新媒体公共景观不同的游览体验案例,分析新媒体背景下的沉浸式设计特征。新媒体公共景观案例大多基于沉浸理论与交互性叙事方式来进行景观节点的安排与设计,以当地文化与历史为主题,结合新媒体技术进行设计与商业化实践。景观体验设计利用新媒体技术手段,将参与者、光影空间、自然景观通过感官交互进行连接,以交互性叙事方式建立多层次的沉浸式体验,结合自然、社会与文化主题,引导参与者自我成就与认知提升,成为景观体验设计的新方向。 In order to better integrate new media into modern landscape design,we analyze the application of new media technology in landscape design from the perspective of immersion design,propose the method and principle of space design of immersion landscape,compare tourism experience cases under different public landscapes of the new media,and analyze the immerse design characteristics under the background of new media.Public landscape case under the new media is mostly based on immerse theory.We arrange and design landscape links through interaction narrative method,design and commercialize through combining with new media technology on the theme of local culture and history.In landscape experience design,we utilize new media technology,connect participants,shadow space and natural landscape through sense interaction,establish multi-layer immerse experience through interaction narrative method,combine with the theme of nature,society and culture,and guide participants to improve the achievements and cognition of participants.So it has become the new orientation of landscape experience design.
作者 余俊杰 李致尧 Yu Junjie;Li Zhiyao(Macao University of Science and Technology,Macao 999078,China;Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,Guangzhou 510261,China)
出处 《黑龙江科学》 2021年第18期121-125,共5页 Heilongjiang Science
关键词 公共景观 沉浸式 体验设计 新媒体 交互叙事 Public landscape Immersion Experience design New media Interaction narrative
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