

Three Dimensions of Training New People of theNew Era in Universities
摘要 高校如何培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人,这是新时代语境下亟需进一步思考的重要命题。在精神维度上强化思想引领、在能力维度上强化素质本领、在实践维度上强化责任担当,是高校培养时代新人的重要着力点。理想信念是精神居所,有了坚定的理想信念就有了干事创业的方向;素质本领是立身之要,有了过硬的本领就有了干事创业的基础;责任担当是使命职责,有了强烈的责任担当就有了干事创业的胆识力量。理想信念铸就方向、素质本领奠定基础、责任担当生发力量,三者是一个紧密联系、不可分割的辩证整体,共同描绘了新时代高校培养时代新人的理论图谱。 How to train new people in universities to take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation is an important proposition that needs further consideration in the context of the new era.Strengthening ideological guidance in the spiritual dimension, strengthening quality and ability in the ability dimension and strengthening responsibility in the practical dimension are the important focus points for colleges and universities to train new people of the new era.Ideal and belief are the spiritual residence.With firm ideal and belief, people will have a direction to start a business.Quality and ability are the key to establishing oneself.With excellent ability, people will have the foundation to start a business.Responsibility is an obligation of mission.With a strong responsibility, people will have the courage and insight to catty out a business.Ideal and belief form the direction, quality and ability set the foundation, and responsibility bears the power of growth.The three are a closely linked and inseparable dialectical whole, which jointly draw the theoretical map of training new people of the times in colleges and universities.
作者 雷伟 Lei Wei(School of Marxism,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610000,Sichuan,China;School of Marxism,Chengdu University of Tcm,Chengdu 610000,Sichuan,China)
出处 《梧州学院学报》 2021年第1期104-108,共5页 Journal of Wuzhou University
基金 四川大学马克思主义学院本硕博专业学生“建党100周年”专项研究项目(MY202050) 四川省基层卫生事业发展研究中心项目(SWFZ19-Z-55) 南充市哲学社会科学重点研究基地体育公共服务发展研究中心项目(NCTY19A03) 南充市2019年市校合作科研专项(川北医学院)项目(19SXHZ0405)。
关键词 时代新人 理想信念 素质本领 责任担当 高校 New people of the new era Ideals and beliefs Quality and ability Responsibility University
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