
Altmetrics视角下科学睡美人的演化特征分析 被引量:4

The Evolutionary Characteristics of Sleeping Beauties from the Perspective of Altmetrics
摘要 传统的科学睡美人(sleep beauties,SBs)是基于引文轨迹的科学知识扩散的特殊现象(citation-based sleeping beauty,C-SB)。然而,社交媒体的迅速发展改变了科学知识扩散的模式,使得社交媒体视角下的科学睡美人(Altmetrics-based sleeping beauty,A-SB)具有许多新的演化特征。本文通过层次分析法构建基于Altmetrics指标与引文指标的Ab指数,识别PLoS Biology期刊的A-SB文献,从演化过程中各指标的分布特征和各阶段的关联性,即微观和宏观两个维度揭示A-SB的动态演化特征。研究结果表明,在社交媒体平台上,科学睡美人苏醒的主要影响因素不再是传统的引文指标,各指标的分布特征以及各阶段的演化特征对A-SB的整体动态演化有着重要的影响。此外,Altmetrics指标的加入让C-SB提前进入苏醒,这说明单一的引文轨迹未必能够反映文献完整的演化过程。 Sleeping Beauties(SBs)refers to special phenomena of the diffusion of scientific knowledge based on citation trajectories.However,the rapid advancement of social media has altered the mode of scientific communication and knowledge diffusion.This study aims to reveal the dynamic evolution of Altmetrics-Based Sleeping Beauty(A-SB),which involves analyses of the altmetric indexes and citation index.Using A-SB and its identified indexes and standards,we connected the recognition results based on the citation trajectory.The analysis and summary of the characteristics of the identified A-SB revealed the SBs’evolution under the comprehensive trajectory based on altmetrics from two dimensions of the dynamic distribution of altmetric indexes and the state transition during the A-SB evolution.By combining the comparative analysis of A-SB and Citation-Based Sleeping Beauty(C-SB),we constructed the indicator Ab under the comprehensive evolution trajectory to identify SBs,and found that A-SB can better reflect the evolution process of SBs on the social media platform.In addition,we identified the main influencing factors of the A-SB state transition in the evolution of“Sleeping-Awakening”and differences in the impact of each index,revealing the role and characteristics of Dogsleep on the dynamic evolution of A-SB.
作者 侯剑华 李昊 张洋 高继平 Hou Jianhua;Li Hao;Zhang Yang;Gao Jiping(School of Information Management,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510006;Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,Beijing 100038)
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期934-952,共19页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“论文专利互引知识关联揭示的科学和技术之间的联系分析研究”(17CTQ029) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“新型信息环境下科技综合评价体系研究”(19wkzd28)。
关键词 科学睡美人 社交媒体 Altmetrics 演化轨迹 Sleeping Beauties social media Altmetrics evolutionary trajectory
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