
域外法查明的司法现状与重构研究——以“一带一路”涉自贸区的案件为中心 被引量:1

Judicial Status Quo and Reconstruction of Foreign Law Ascertainment--A Focus on Cases Related to the Belt and Road Initiative and China’s Free Trade Zones
摘要 “一带一路”倡议和自贸区建设是“十四五”规划中构建新发展格局、实现高水平且开放的国内国际双循环的两大助推器。自“一带一路”倡议实施以来,域外法查明问题在学术界和实务界的关注度呈现井喷态势。我们从法律史视角梳理国内1986年至2020年的281篇学术期刊论文,并以“一带一路”涉自贸区以及其他涉外民事纠纷的171例案件为中心,从裁判文书的关键词、案由和域外法涉及的地域三个维度,分析、归纳出涉自贸区的域外法查明案件的特点和我国域外法查明的司法现状,发现在不同的历史时期查明主体和查明途径发生了变化,分析了查明主体的压力来源以及由此导致的域外法查明不能或未能充分的症结。同时,围绕域外法查明的重点、问题和对策,我们基于最高人民法院域外法查明平台案例库中的51例成功查明域外法的典型案件,借鉴了境内外司法系统的优秀做法,厘清了我国域外法查明的司法重构创新的技术进路与制度进路。 The Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)and building up of free trade zones turn out as two major boosters for setting up China’s brand-new development pattern and putting into practice a high-level and opening-up domestic and international dual cycle in the 14th Five-year Plan.Since the launch of BRI in 2013,foreign law ascertainment has been buzzing words in both academic and judicial circles.From the perspective of legal history,a panoramic study has been conducted on 281 journal papers published in Chinese Mainland from 1986 to 2020,as well as 171 cases related to countries along BRI and China’s free trade zones as well as other foreign-related civil affairs.This paper sums up key words of judicial documents concerned,causes of these cases and regions involved in foreign law ascertainment,finding that changes have taken place on subjects of foreign law ascertainment and ascertainment approaches over different periods.Additional findings also include where pressures of subjects of foreign law ascertainment come from,and why foreign law ascertainment has been conducted in failure or inadequately.Moreover,an analysis has been made on key issues,current problems and their corresponding countermeasures of foreign law ascertainment based on 51 typical cases in the case database of the Foreign Law Ascertainment Platform set up by the Supreme People’s Court.In addition,with inspiring practices drawn as references from various judicial systems in China’s Mainland and overseas regions,the paper clarifies the technical and institutional approaches to judicial reconstruction and innovation on foreign law ascertainment.
作者 叶湘 YE Xiang(Law School,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200042,China;School of Foreign Languages,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo Shandong 255049,China)
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2021年第5期59-72,共14页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“‘一带一路’沿线国家法律文本翻译、研究及数据库建设”,项目编号:18ZDA157 上海市第五期自贸区法律适用问题调研项目“涉自贸区案件外国法查明的实证研究”,项目编号:2019-10 山东省社会科学规划研究项目“《毛泽东选集》平行语料库的中国政治制度特色话语英译研究”,项目编号:19CWZJ36 华东政法大学博士研究生学术研究项目“比较法视阈下外国法查明重构与实证研究”,项目编号:2020-9。
关键词 自贸区 司法重构 域外法查明平台 冲突法正义 程序经济 free trade zones judicial reconstruction foreign law ascertainment platform justice in conflict law procedural economy
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