
宫颈癌鼻转移1例报告并文献复习 被引量:1

Nasal metastasis of cervical cancer:a case report
摘要 目的结合文献报告1例宫颈癌鼻转移病例。方法对青岛市中心医院2018年3月22日至2018年9月4日收治的1例年轻女性宫颈癌鼻转移病例进行报道并对文献复习。结果女,37岁,以阴道不规则出血1月收入院。妇科检查及彩超检查示宫颈肿物。予以行宫颈活检。病理示(宫颈)鳞状细胞癌,脉管内查见癌栓。免疫组化结果:CD34(血管+),D2-40(脉管+)。予以行同步放化疗,治疗过程中出现鼻部肿物,行鼻部肿物活检病理示:鳞状细胞癌,结合病史考虑宫颈源性鳞癌转移。免疫组化结果为抑癌基因P16(+)、P40(+)、P63(+),角蛋白7(CK7)(-)。予以行放疗,效果差,病人半年内死亡。结论宫颈癌病人,鼻转移罕见,放疗效果差,病例病情进展迅速,预后差。需要加强此类病例资料收集。 Objective To report the clinical observation about a case of nasal metastasis of cervical cancer and review literature.Methods A case of nasal metastasis of cervical cancer in a young woman admitted to Qingdao Central Hospital from March 22,2018 to September 4,2018 was reported and the literature was reviewed.Results A 37-year-old female was admitted into Qingdao Central Hospital in complaint of Irregular vaginal bleeding for 1 month.Gynecological examination and color Doppler ultrasonography showed cervical mass.Cervical biopsy was performed to identify the mass,pathological and immunohistochemical examination showed that(cervix)squamous cell carcinoma,intravascular thrombus found,CD34(+),D2-40(+).Nasal mass was found during concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy.Biopsy of nasal neoplasms showed that squamous cell carcinoma,immunohistochemical examination showed that P16(+)P40(+)P63(+)CK7(-),and the diagnosis of nasal metastasis of cervical cancer was established based on medical history.The patient was insensitive to radiotherapy and died within six months.Conclusion Nasal metastasis is rare in patients with cervical cancer.Such disease develop rapidly with poor prognosis.More attention should be paid on the collection of associated clinical data.
作者 王成双 宋梅 邹鹏程 王华杰 王志美 WANG Chengshuang;SONG Mei;ZOU Pengcheng;WANG Huajie;WANG Zhimei(Department of Gynecologic Neoplasms,Qingdao Central Hospital,Qingdao,Shandong 266042,China;Pathological Diagnostic Center,Qingdao Central Hospital,Qingdao,Shandong 266042,China)
出处 《安徽医药》 CAS 2021年第10期2085-2087,共3页 Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 子宫肿瘤 抗原 CD34 角蛋白7 鼻转移 病例报告 文献复习 Uterine neoplasms Antigens,CD34 Keratin-7 Nasal metastasis Case report Literatures review
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