

An Innovative CLIL Design of College English MOOC Based on the"Belt and Road"Knowledge System
摘要 大学英语课程需要响应时代呼声,面向《大学英语教学指南》的新要求,进行跨文化教育,培养学生对中国文化的阐释能力。因此,构建一门基于“一带一路”知识体系的大学英语慕课势在必行。以课程团队自主建设的“丝路英语-漫谈一带一路”为例,讨论如何运用CLIL的基本理论提出有创新性的慕课设计方案,重构课程框架,丰富课程内容,优化活动设计,完善评价考核,为开发一门有创新性的慕课提供思路。 The constructions of Belt and Road Initiative emphasize the needs that College English courses should adapt themselves to the changing time.Under the instruction of the"University English Teaching Guide",we should conduct cross-cultural education,and cultivate students′ability to interpret Chinese culture.Therefore,it is necessary to build a college English MOOC based on the"Belt and Road"knowledge system.This article elaborates on the creative approaches our team have applied to the innovation of an English MOOC,A Glimpse of Belt and Road,with the basic theory of CLIL.We focus on how to reconstruct of the curriculum framework,enrich course content,optimize activity design,and improve evaluation and assessment,aiming to provide plans for the construction of a high-quality MOOC.
作者 唐婷婷 常淑丽 曾筝 杨馥瑶 李丝贝 TANG Tingting;CHANG Shuli;ZENG Zheng;YANG Fuyao;LI Sibei(School of Foreign Languages and International Education,Chengdu Technological University,Chengdu,Sichuan 611730,China)
出处 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第3期124-128,共5页 Journal of Xichang University:Social Science Edition
关键词 “一带一路”倡议 CLIL教学法 大学英语慕课 Belt and Road Initiative CLIL teaching college English MOOC
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