

On the Process of Emotional Change of Tian Zhongji Towards Guo Moruo
摘要 根据田仲济的言行、结合相关史料可以推断,田仲济对郭沫若的评价几经变化:中小学读书时,"钦佩"甚至"景仰"郭沫若;看到郭沫若的《蒋委员长会见记》之后,彻底改变了对郭沫若的印象,甚至"感到有说不出的‘耻辱’感";抗战时期,郭沫若领导"第三厅"积极抗战、1940年秋却遭遇改组,田仲济对郭沫若的感情由此发生了一定变化;"文革"前夕,郭沫若发表"烧书"说,田仲济对此非常不满;郭沫若去世后,田仲济不满"社会上对郭沫若的评价似乎比对鲁迅还高",当得知攻击鲁迅的《文艺战线上的封建余孽》的作者杜荃是郭沫若时,田仲济更加不悦;20世纪90年代后,田仲济逐渐认识到自己对郭沫若的不满是由于不了解造成的,于是改变了自己的态度。田仲济对郭沫若的评价变化过程在部分中国现代知识分子身上具有一定的代表性。 According to Tian Zhongji’s words and deeds, combined with the relevant historical materials, it can be known that Tian Zhongji’s evaluation of Guo Moruo changed several times. When studying in elementary and middle schools, Tian "highly admired" and even "deeply respected" Guo Moruo. After seeing Guo Moruo’s publication Meeting with Committee Chairman Chiang, Tian completely changed his impression of Guo Moruo and he even "felt an indescribable sense of shame". During the Anti-Japanese War, Guo Moruo led the Third Office of the Political Department of the Military Commission of the National Government in taking an active part in the Anti-Japanese War, but in the autumn of 1940, the department was reorganized. Tian’s feelings of Guo Moruo had a definite change. Tian Zhongji was very displeased with Guo Moruo’s On Book-Burning published on the eve of the Cultural Revolution. After Guo Moruo’s death, Tian Zhongji was resentful at "the society’s evaluation of Guo Moruo which seemed even higher than that of Lu Xun". Tian became even more resentful when he learned that Du Quan, author of Feudal Remnants on the Literary Front, who attacked Lu Xun, was actually Guo Moruo. After the 1990 s, Tian Zhongji realized that his resentment of Guo Moruo was caused by his being not well-informed, and then he changed his attitude. From the articles displayed in Tian Zhongji Memorial Collections, we can know that Tian Zhongji’s change of attitude towards Guo Moruo must be typical in some degree among some modern Chinese intellectuals.
作者 廖久明 Liao Jiuming(Sichuan Guo Moruo Research Center,Leshan Normal University,Leshan Sichuan,614000)
出处 《山东师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期120-129,共10页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 作者主持研究的国家社会科学基金项目“民国时期郭沫若研究资料收集整理与研究”(19BZW101)的阶段性成果。
关键词 田仲济 郭沫若 《文艺战线上的封建余孽》 Tian Zhongji Guo Moruo Feudal Remnants on the Literary Front
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