
“十四五”时期地方政府科技创新注意力配置和资源布局研究--基于30个省市“十四五”规划及远景目标文本分析 被引量:16

Research on Attention Allocation and R esource Layout of Local Government's Science and Technology Innovation in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period-Based on the text analysis of the 14th Five-Year Plan of 30 provinces and cities and their long-term goals
摘要 我国把科技自立自强作为国家发展的战略支撑,并将“四个面向”创新驱动提到前所未有高度。基于有限理性决策者注意力稀缺性理论,选取30个省市《国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标建议》文本作为研究对象,研究各地方政府“十四五”时期对科技创新的注意力分配强度、政府资源布局重点及政策工具选择差异性。结果发现:“十四五”时期安徽省给予科技创新注意力最高,江苏省、海南省、山西省根据省情和资源禀赋异质性对科技创新注意力聚焦领域有所侧重;中部地区未来对于科技创新关注度较高,并没有证实经济发展水平较高的地区未来对科技创新给予了较高的注意力;有14个省市未来科技创新目标明确提出创新型省份建设,其中以中部地区和西部地区居多,科技创新注意力的分配与科技创新目标的设置和明确性具有显著的正向相关关系;“十四五”时期各地方政府选择的共性科技创新政策工具是科技成果转化、关键核心技术突破、完善科技体制机制和增加研发费用投入,各地区仍其他它个性化的科技创新政策工具选择和资源布局重点。 China takes science and technology self-rel iance and self-improvement as the strategic support of national development,and drives the"four-oriented"innovation to unprecedented heights.Based on the theory of limited rational decision-maker's attention scarcity,this paper selects the text of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Proposal of Vision Goals for 2035 from 30 provinces and cit-ies as the research object to study the intensity of attention distribution,the focus of government resource distribu-tion and the difference of policy tool selection in the period of"Fourteenth Five-Year Plan".The results showed that:during the 14th Five-Year Plan period,Anbui Province gave the highest attention to scientifie and technological innovation,and Jiangsu Province,Hainan Province and Shanxi Province focused on the focus area of scientific and technological innovation according to the provincial situation and resource endowment heterogeneity;the central region paid higher attention to scientific and technological innovation in the future,which did not confirm that the higher level of economic development would give higher attention to scientific and technological innovation in the fu-ture;14 provinces and cities specifically proposed the construction of innovative provinces in the future,including the central and western regions.The distribution of scientific and technological innovation attention has a significant positive correlation with the setting and clarity of scientific and technological innovation goals.The common science and technology innovation policy tools selected by local governments during the 14th Five-Year Plan period are the transformation of science and technology achievements,the breakthrough of key core technologies,the improvement of science and technology system and mechanism and the increase of investment in R&D costs,while there are still other personalized strategies and resources in each region.
作者 张彦红 ZHANG Yan-hong(Guizhou Provincial Center for Science&Technology Evaluation,Guizhou Guiyang 550002,China)
出处 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期30-34,共5页 Scientific Management Research
基金 贵州省科技厅软科学项目(黔科合支撑[2018]20006)。
关键词 “十四五”时期 科技创新 地方政府 注意力 政策工具 14th Five-Year Period Science and Technology Innovation Local Government Related Words Policy Tools
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