
种植体-基台连接界面对螺丝松动的影响 被引量:2

Influence of implant-abutment interface on screw loosening
摘要 种植修复是目前牙缺失的理想治疗方法,具有很高的成功率,但目前存在的一些术后并发症仍困扰着临床医生。基台螺丝松动是最常见的机械并发症之一,种植体植入位置、上部修复体形态、基台-种植体连接设计、口腔副功能等均可能引起基台螺丝松动。其中种植体-基台连接界面是种植体系统中的薄弱环节,不同的基台连接设计、螺丝材料的选择等都可能会对螺丝松动产生影响。因此本文主要从种植体-基台连接界面对螺丝松动产生影响的因素进行综述。 Implant restoration is an ideal trcatment for tceth lose with a high success ratc,but some postoperativecomplications still troublc clinicians.Abutment screw loosening is onc of the most common mcchanicalcomplications.The location of implant,thc shape of upper prosthesis,thc design of abutment-implant conncctionand oral parafunctions may all causc abutment screw looscning.Among them,the implant-abutment intcrfacc is theoweakness of the implant systcm.Different abutment connection design and scrcw matecrial sclection may inducescrew looscning.Thereforc,this paper mainly expounds the factors of screw looscning from the aspect of theoimplant-abutment connection interface.
作者 张睿鹏 卢海平 严洪海 ZHANG Rui-peng;LU Hai-ping;YAN Hong-hai(Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,Hangzhou 310053,China;Department of Stomatology,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,Hangzhou 310005,China)
出处 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2021年第5期385-389,共5页 Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics
基金 浙江省基础公益研究计划项目(项目编号:LY19H140001)。
关键词 基台 基台螺丝 种植体 abutment abutment screw implant
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